HMS Ontario 1780 Cross Section scale 1:32 1.0(Version 1)

Thanks Donnie,
I hope I can finish the cross section this year. We are going to have some cold weather this week and this model is in an unheated garage, it’s difficult to install rigging with heavy gloves on lol.
Back in the old days when I worked for a living, I spent a couple of winters inspecting piping systems at the Koch refinery just north of St Paul, I know what your weather is like.
I spend most of my time in Myrtle Beach now, the weather here is a little better than Wisconsin.
Hallo Mike,
your turned guns are looking good - which kind of timber you used?
One remark to your gun tackles - I think that the blocks installed at the wall should be a double block and the rope should be go once more backwards to this double block.
Or if you use two single blocks, the rope has to be fixed at the single block installed at the wall...... take once more a look
Thanks Mike, Dave and Joe
Now that the weather has improved, I will be making better progress on the build. Thanks again for your comments.
Brilliant work Mike, I have just started work on the group build and will get the build thread setup soon. Is this to be the next level group build in the future?

Great work on the drawings too, I was an architect in another life and can appreciate the time taken to get drawings working correctly.
Hi Steve,
Thanks, this will be a future group build and will require a basic understanding of plank on frame construction. The model is twice the length of the Blandford and uses more advanced construction.
The Blandford is our first attempt at a group build and is a learning experience for everyone, this one will build on the lessons learned from the Blandford.
We have many excellent model builders on the SOS site that are happy to answer any questions about the Blandford or this build when it is released.
My background is in process piping design for refinery and chemical plants, I have a lot of drawing experience but not much of it relates to historical ship building.
Hi Dave,
Thanks, the drawings do take a lot of time, but they keep me out of the bars lol. According to the book the Ontario carried four ships boats two 25-foot cutters and two 16-foot launches. I have made the modeling drawings and if you would like to build prototypes, I will send you a set of the drawings. I am thinking if we make the ships boats a separate project, we can get the cross-section project released a little sooner.