HMS Ontario 1780 scale 1:32 POB full version

Hello Zoltan, model ship building is very interesting, to say the least, especially so when one has so very many choices to choose from, ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence

Thank you Lawrence,its fun to build the gunports and the controversy around them .
Hi Zoly,

Just checked my Wasa pictures and I have pictures from front, rear and middle.
Front is nearly square but the deck is also nearly flat.


Middle is square, the deck is flat.

At the stern they are not square because the deck is having a higher angle. You can see that as the open hatches are tilting forward to the vessel and not straight like they were mounted level with the waterline.

The outside shape of the planking and whales is not following the deck line and there fore is not influencing the shape of the gun ports.

Last one is Batavia, also stern gun port hatches are not square.
Hope it helps.
Interesting to follow. Build goes well i see. What kind of wood did you use for the gunports and do you slice them by hand or machine? Tried it couple times but they distroy them every time with slicing.
Interesting to follow. Build goes well i see. What kind of wood did you use for the gunports and do you slice them by hand or machine? Tried it couple times but they distroy them every time with slicing.

Hello Pat,the gunports are basswood and I sliced them by manual razor saw as Janos.
this is the blessing and the curse of the scratch builder YOU are the lead man on this adventure and your calling the shots.

I have the same dilemma with the steam engine. questions about the plans and no one knows how to build it. So here I am I have to weigh the evidence and make a call.

no blame on pete or anyone. That is what is special about this forum "freedom of speech" no censorship by some moderator who thinks you might of offended someone.
I may be wrong here but in all the cannons I have seen and documented I never found one that stepped down like this one and 7 feet 4 inches is a really long 6 pounder what I found is the 6 pounder average 72 inches. Maybe it is a 6 pound long gun

6 lbo.JPG
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someplace I did read cannons were on the shorter side on the great lake ships because there just was not enough room on deck for something like a 7 foot cannon

I am that strange guy in the city parks measuring guns. This is around 44 inches

cts 106.jpg

looking at such a gun on board a ship there isn't much room before the gun recoils and smashes into the hatch or whatever is behind it. this carronade is around 5 feet, looking at the space behind it I do not think a 7 foot 4 inch cannon plus carriage would fit on deck. That is over 2 more feet of gun than the carronade.
