HMS Ontario 1780 scale 1:32 POB full version

I will build another mock up gun carriage with a cannon and se how they will line up.

are you going to use what is on your plans for the guns or did you want me to post drawings with dimensions?
I did post the 6 pounder but took it down when I realized I put the dimensions of a 4 pound on a 6 pound drawing.
are you going to use what is on your plans for the guns or did you want me to post drawings with dimensions?
I did post the 6 pounder but took it down when I realized I put the dimensions of a 4 pound on a 6 pound drawing.

Please post the dimensions for the guns,the mockup is for checking the cannon/gunport centering and elevetion only,the lenght of the guns is irrelevant but I need the dimensions for the real guns.Thanks
Thanks Dave,are this images are in scale if I download them to use,or you can send me the pdf files in PM or email??
I can not export a PDF out of CAD the measurements are in the drawing so if you printed them then measured the length of the cannon everything will fall in place.

a 6 pound cannon is 72 inches a 4 pound cannon is 55 57 ish in length

I will post the carriage drawings for the 6 pounder like I did for the 4 pounder.

these measurements were taken from field note of actual 4 and 6 pound guns.
Almost all the gunports are ready only at the bow aren’t,not yet glued,I have decided ,so the gunports will follow the deck lining.

good call that is what I would have done because that is what Coleman shows on the original drawing
Almost all the gunports are ready only at the bow aren’t,not yet glued,I have decided, so the gunports will follow the deck lining.

good call that is what I would have done because that is what Coleman shows on the original drawing

I forgot to mention the gunport sides won’t be perpendicular on the waterline, the gunport will be tilted like would sit on the deck.
Wonderful build so far! I can't wait to see how you finish up the port tubes where they meet the hull planking. Will these plans ever be made available?
I would kill to be able to create vectors of the bulkheads that one could scale to any size.
Wonderful build so far! I can't wait to see how you finish up the port tubes where they meet the hull planking. Will these plans ever be made available?
I would kill to be able to create vectors of the bulkheads that one could scale to any size.

Thanks, Ron, I have part of the basic plans from John Andela and Mike41 made some (a lot) of additional plans and modifications as he is designing an Ontario Pof cross-section plan set and also you have seen now from Dave the gun carriage and cannon plans. The plans from John Andela will be for sale once he finished all of them.
This sounds very good for a future project - BTW my friend: very good work!
G'day Zoly.
Couldn't sleep, so I'm looking around and doing some catch up.
I like the gun ports very much. Are you going to trim them before or after the first planking?
hello guys, thanks for looking and for the likes, my next job was the sweep ports, similar to the gunports just with smaller diameter tubes.two of the sweep ports location were interfered by two bulkheads so I had to glue some reinforcements to sides of bulkheads that I can cut thru them.

Sweep ports (6).jpgSweep ports (6)_LI.jpg

Sweep ports (3).jpgSweep ports (5).jpg
The rest of the sweep ports were ok without any issues.

Sweep ports (2).jpg
After finished the sweep ports,I was sanding them down to shape outside and also inside, leaving some meat on them, more on the outside of the bulwark.

Sweep ports (1).jpgSweep ports (7).jpgIMG_7103.JPGIMG_7104.JPGIMG_7105.JPGIMG_7107.JPG