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HMS Prince 1670 1:48

Знову дозволю собі вставити 7 копійок:

Ствисти косяки вікон вздовж рельсів- варіант лепський;

Ствисти косяки вікон уздовж палуби- варіант реалістичний.

Також пропоную привернути увагу на якийсь "козирок" над вікнами:

Again, let me insert minor comments:

Putting window jambs along the rails is a beautiful option;

Putting window jambs along the deck is a realistic option.

I also suggest paying attention to a certain "canopy" over the windows:

I guess these were no real windows, but some "horizontal gratings" for ventilation of the decks
Знову дозволю собі вставити 7 копійок:

Ствисти косяки вікон вздовж рельсів- варіант лепський;

Ствисти косяки вікон уздовж палуби- варіант реалістичний.

Також пропоную привернути увагу на якийсь "козирок" над вікнами:

Again, let me insert minor comments:

Putting window jambs along the rails is a beautiful option;

Putting window jambs along the deck is a realistic option.

I also suggest paying attention to a certain "canopy" over the windows:

View attachment 399335
Hello. This is still a schematic view. Later there will be a decor and a "roof" over the windows. And he painted the windows according to the model. Uwek is right, it is most likely not full-fledged windows, but ventilation windows. They fall on the cabins where the guns are located, and if there are ventilation hatches on the decks, then there are none in the cabins.

Hi Anatoly,

I am following your lovely project with great interest and I see that you are also using Rhinoceros for 3D design. Do you use its "Make 2-D Drawing" command to convert your 3D design into 2D drawings? Or some other way?

I'm just asking this as this particular command doesn't work very well in Rhinoceros (which, apart from that, I like much) – because, upon applying it, it often 'loses' some lines and generates a lot of rubbish as well, which is quite a nuisance and complication in post-processing. Frankly, for my purposes, this "Make 2-D Drawing" command is so useless that I'm forced to disregard it altogether in favour of rendering a vector 3D design into a high-resolution bitmaps in order to get decent 2D views (orthogonal or otherwise). But perhaps there is a better way, the result of which is 2D graphics in vector format and yet of sufficiently good quality?

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Hi Anatoly,

I am following your lovely project with great interest and I see that you are also using Rhinoceros for 3D design. Do you use its "Make 2-D Drawing" command to convert your 3D design into 2D drawings? Or some other way?

I'm just asking this as this particular command doesn't work very well in Rhinoceros (which, apart from that, I like much) – because, upon applying it, it often 'loses' some lines and generates a lot of rubbish as well, which is quite a nuisance and complication in post-processing. Frankly, for my purposes, this "Make 2-D Drawing" command is so useless that I'm forced to disregard it altogether in favour of rendering a vector 3D design into a high-resolution bitmaps in order to get decent 2D views (orthogonal or otherwise). But perhaps there is a better way, the result of which is 2D graphics in vector format and yet of sufficiently good quality?

Hello. I only use the Rhino as a base 3D model. I make a 2D drawing in CorelDraw. Maybe later I will create the whole ship in Rhino, for now I use it to create parts (lights, guns, anchor...)
Ciao Webber007.

Finalmente ho trovato il mio maestro per imparare Rhinoceros.
Io tuoi lavori con 3d sono magnifici.

In futuro potrei farti delle domande specifiche su comandi e funzioni di Rhinoceros?

Hi Webber007.

I finally found my master to learn Rhinoceros.
Your 3D works are magnificent.

Could I ask you specific questions about Rhinoceros commands and functions in the future?
Ciao Webber007.

Finalmente ho trovato il mio maestro per imparare Rhinoceros.
Io tuoi lavori con 3d sono magnifici.

In futuro potrei farti delle domande specifiche su comandi e funzioni di Rhinoceros?

Hi Webber007.

I finally found my master to learn Rhinoceros.
Your 3D works are magnificent.

Could I ask you specific questions about Rhinoceros commands and functions in the future?
Ciao Alessandro.
Sto appena imparando Rhino, ma sentiti libero di fare domande. Se lo so, risponderò volentieri

Hi Alessandro.
I'm just learning Rhino, but feel free to ask questions. If I know, I will gladly answer
Ciao Alessandro.
Sto appena imparando Rhino, ma sentiti libero di fare domande. Se lo so, risponderò volentieri

Hi Alessandro.
I'm just learning Rhino, but feel free to ask questions. If I know, I will gladly answer
Привіт Анатолій.Винятково, якщо у вас є такі результати і ви тільки починаєте, коли станете експертом, я не можу уявити, на що ви будете здатні!Я думаю, що це думка багатьох і не тільки моїх.Дякуємо за вашу доступність.Зараз у вільні хвилини я працюю над рятувальними шлюпками. Я із задоволенням малюю їх сам.Коли я покажу проекти Rhinoceros на мою тему, я задам вам багато запитань, але якщо ви віддаєте перевагу, я задам їх у личку.Ще одна річ, яку я помітив, це те, що ваші 3D-принти не тільки ідеальні, але й гладкі.Усі ті, які я зробив, мають рифлені поверхні.Наприклад, деякий час тому я розробив деякі гармати з Rhinoceros, тому що жодної гармати з епохи, яка мене цікавить, не існувало і не існує на ринку (у модельних магазинах у Римі, але навіть не в електронній комерції).Тому я намалював їх, дивлячись на фотографії різних типів гармат Dahlgren, але без вимірювань вони не найкращі.Я дав їх другові на 3D-друк, і вони вийшли всі рифлені, а не гладкі.

Ciao Anatoly.

Eccezionale, se hai questi risultati e sei all''inizio, quando sarai esperto non riesco ad immaginare di che cosa sarai capace!
Io penso che questo sia il pensiero di molti e non solo il mio.

Grazie della tua disponibilità.
Attualmente, nei pochi ritagli di tempo libero, sto lavorando alle scialuppe. Mi diverto a disegnarle io.
Quando mostrerò i progetti di Rhinoceros sul mio topic ti farò molte domande ma se preferisci le farò in PM.

Un'altra cosa che ho notato è che le tue stampe in 3d, oltre ad essere perfette, sono anche lisce.
Quelle che ho fatto io hanno tutte le superfici zigrinate.
Ad esempio, tempo fa, ho disegnato dei cannoni con Rhinoceros perchè non esistevano e non esistono in commercio (nei negozi di modellismo a Roma ma nemmeno in e.commerce) cannoni dell'epoca che mi interessa.
Li ho, perciò, disegnati guardando le foto dei vari tipi di cannoni Dahlgren, ma senza le misure non è il massimo.
Li ho dati ad un amico per la stampa 3d e sono venuti tutti zigrinati e non lisci.

Hi Anatoly.

Exceptional, if you have these results and you're just starting out, when you become expert I can't imagine what you'll be capable of!
I think this is the thinking of many and not just mine.

Thanks for your availability.
Currently, in my few spare moments of free time, I am working on the lifeboats.
I enjoy drawing them myself.
When I show the Rhinoceros projects on my topic I will ask you many questions but if you prefer I will ask them in PM.

Another thing I noticed is that your 3D prints, in addition to being perfect, are also smooth.
The ones I made all have knurled surfaces.
For example, some time ago, I designed some cannons with Rhinoceros because no cannons from the era that interests me did not exist and do not exist on the market (in model shops in Rome but not even in e.commerce).
I therefore drew them by looking at photos of the various types of Dahlgren guns, but without the measurements it isn't the best.I gave them to a friend to 3D print and they came out all knurled and not smooth.