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HMS Prince 1670 1:48

Hi Alessandro!
You got my 'Love' reaction not just because of your explanations of the subject, you also took this post to a different level of communication by translating it to the Ukrainian language of the poster and English for the rest of us!! Hats OFF!

Ciao, Alessandro!
Hai ottenuto la mia reazione "d'amore" non solo per le tue spiegazioni sull'argomento, ma hai anche portato questo post a un diverso livello di comunicazione traducendolo nella lingua ucraina del poster e in inglese per i grandi di noi!! Giù i cappelli!
Hi Alessandro!
You got my 'Love' reaction not just because of your explanations of the subject, you also took this post to a different level of communication by translating it to the Ukrainian language of the poster and English for the great of us!! Hats OFF!

Ciao, Alessandro!
Hai ottenuto la mia reazione "d'amore" non solo per le tue spiegazioni sull'argomento, ma hai anche portato questo post a un diverso livello di comunicazione traducendolo nella lingua ucraina del poster e in inglese per i grandi di noi!! Giù i cappelli!
Grazie Jim.

Molto intelligente il tuo commento.

Che sia chiaro, io sto usando il traduttore di Google.
Non vorrei passare per il poliglotta che non sono.
Purtroppo io conosco solo il romano e l'italiano, ahahahahahah.
Beh non è certo motivo di vanto.
La conoscenza delle lingue è importantissima e non vado certo orgoglioso della mia ignoranza, infatti sono riuscito a farlo capire a mio figlio che si dedica allo studio con mia grande soddisfazione.
Comunque grazie a Johan e voi sto imparando molti termini nautici.

Thanks Jim.
Your comment is very intelligent.

Let's be clear, I'm using Google translator.
I wouldn't want to come across as the polyglot that I am not.
Unfortunately I only know Roman and Italian, ahahahahahah.
Well it's certainly not a reason to boast.
Knowledge of languages is very important and I am certainly not proud of my ignorance, in fact I managed to make my son understand that he dedicates himself to studying to my great satisfaction.

However thanks to Johan and you I am learning a lot of nautical terms.
I wouldn't want to come across as the polyglot that I am not.
none of us, or I should say most of us, not polyglots. We are an international forum of enthusiasts united by hobby. when one makes a translation in a different language to help others understand, it is priceless. ;)

nessuno di noi, o dovrei dire la maggior parte di noi, non è poliglotta. Siamo un forum internazionale di appassionati uniti dall'hobby. quando si fa una traduzione in una lingua diversa per aiutare gli altri a capire, non ha prezzo. ;)
Ciao Anatoly.

Dopo aver disegnato le linee delle frames (prima immagine) che comando hai usato per creare la superficie dello scafo?

Te lo chiedo perchè io non sono riuscito a creare una superfice che passasse per tutte le linee ho dovuto creare più parti e poi unirle.

Hi Anatoly.
After drawing the lines of the frames (first image) what command did you use to create the surface of the hull?
I ask you because I was unable to create a surface that passed through all the lines I had to create multiple parts and then join them.

Привіт Анаталія.
Після малювання ліній кадрів (спочатку зображення) Якою командою ви використовували для створення поверхні корпусу?
Я запитую вас, тому що я не зміг створити поверхню, яка пройшла через усі лінії, які мені довелося створити кілька частин, а потім приєднатися до них.
Привіт друзі.
Я новачок на форумі. Вирішила відкрити нову тему. Англійська не є моєю рідною мовою, тому я прошу вибачення за граматичні помилки перекладача Google.
Інформації про це судно мало, якщо хтось має більше даних, буду радий допомагати. В основі лежить модель з музею та креслення з архіву. Збудую його в 1670 році, бо тоді його перебудували і переменували.

З повагою, Анатолій

google translation:
Hi friends.
I am new to the forum. I decided to open a new topic. English is not my native language, so I apologize for the grammatical errors in Google Translate.
There is little information about this vessel, if anyone has more data, I will be happy to help. It is based on a model from the museum and drawings from the archive. I will build it in 1670, because then it was rebuilt and altered.

Sincerely, Anatoly
Зображення є © Board of Trustees of the Museum of Science
Hallo @Webber007
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Enjoy your special day
Hello Alessandro
This is the command
I don't always create a surface the first time. I adjust the lines until the surface is formed.

View attachment 404083
Ciao Anatoly.

Anch'io uso solo due comandi per creare le superfici dello scafo,
quello che usi tu e un altro comando che vedi in foto.
Purtoppo molte volte non riescono a creare una superfice. O non la creano proprio oppure la fanno in maniera errata.

Hi Anatoly.
I also only use two commands to create hull surfaces,the one you use and another command you see in the photo.Unfortunately, many times they are unable to create a surface.
Either they don't create it at all or they do it incorrectly.

comandi rhino.png
Ciao Anatoly.

Anch'io uso solo due comandi per creare le superfici dello scafo,
quello che usi tu e un altro comando che vedi in foto.
Purtoppo molte volte non riescono a creare una superfice. O non la creano proprio oppure la fanno in maniera errata.

Hi Anatoly.
I also only use two commands to create hull surfaces,the one you use and another command you see in the photo.Unfortunately, many times they are unable to create a surface.
Either they don't create it at all or they do it incorrectly.

View attachment 406006
I also don't always build a surface, so I correct the lines of the frames in the place where they connect with the line of the side and the sheet pile. Or I use not all frames for construction, but separate ones, until the surface is built. Then I adjust the surface itself so that it is smooth and corresponds to the theoretical frames. This is boring work and only we know how long it took to get a good result.
This is all completely fascinating and coming together very nicely Anatoly.

I have a question about deck sheer. Lately, I've been reading Boudriot's Chevelier de Tourville, and he frequently comments, in reference to this or that Van de Velde drawing, that the run of the gunport appears very flat, no sheer, etc.

My observation of contemporary 17th C. models (Science Museum model of the Prince, included), is that the models support the notion of more or less flat deck sheer.

There are practical considerations concerning the running in and out of the guns that also favor more or less flat deck sheer.

So, my question to the forum is just how flat deck sheer really was in the 17th C.?
As far as I know, a small deck sheer remained in the 17th C. And only during the 18th C. deck sheer became more or less flat. And by the 19th C. deck sheer became comAs far as I know, a small deck sheer remained in the 17th C. And only during the 18th C. deck sheer became more or less flat. And by the 19th C. deck sheer became completely flat.
