YES. These .STL models will be made available as a group for a very modest price, with exception of those which contain content used from free models found online (those will be lumped in for free). That was the plan from the start. Let's just see if they successfully print first. I am new to Blender 3D also,
@maddog harry. The models are getting better and better as I learn new functions in Blender. There are a few other modelers out there who have made decoration .STL files for
HMS Sovereign of the Seas, but none who were willing to part with them at
any price. Given the amount of time they take to create, that is understandable. It was very disappointing that no options for purchasing accurate decorations based on historic sources for this ship were available anywhere. Releasing my files will provide at least one option, and create a huge timesaver for many other builders of
HMS Sovereign of the Seas. The quality of my 3D models will not be high because I am a novice at using Blender, and the topology of the models is pretty bad in some cases. If the early ones print successfully, no more effort on my part will be made to improve them. I leave that to others.
One of the largest problems is eliminating intersecting polygons. I noted that loading my 3D models into Chitubox, using their repair function to eliminate interior polygons, then re-saving them has been useful at removing internal clusters of polygons that boolean functions in Blender could not do. A tiny hole or non-manifold polygon in an object can occasionally cause the boolean functions in Blender to fail, sometimes catastrophically and crashing the program, especially if the computer is low on memory and the object has a high number of polygons.