So next up were the rope coils for the cannon, I make mine by putting a small drop of PVA glue on a piece
of cardboard, actually I do it for all the coils I'm going to need, then I attach a piece of string long enough
to make the coil, when the drop of PVA glue has set and is holding the string, I then spread more PVA around
and coil the string makinf sure it is soaked with the PVA glue as above,
I leave them for 24 hours and then very carefully release them from the cardboard,
The training tackle I take over the back of the carriage and glue just under the carriage, then I place the coil
in position and cut the end to match up with the piece coming over the back of the carriage,
A lot of coils ready to be attached,
This pic and the next few show the coils in place,