Currently I am working on several task in parallel:
I completed the rear frame for the gratings including reducing the thickness and the final sanding. It has been dry fitted to the deck and is ready to be permanently glued to the deck. Next up is finalizing the frame for the front grating.
View attachment 332518
While I am still waiting for the 0.8mm milling bits to arrive, which are required for producing the actual gratings, I started planning how to produce barrels.
Since the gratings will be removable and provide the ability to look inside at the lower deck, it would be nice to see some actual equipment stored there. Therefore I started to figure out what might have been located around the gratings on the lower deck.
Unfortunately I have no detailed plans of this ship available, only the plans from Occre. Actually I find it difficult to find details regarding spanish ships, I found the monograph of the La Mahonesa from Ancre which could contain relevant informations since it is from the same time period but is quite expensive especially since I am not planning to actually build the ship.
So actually I have no clue what was the purpose of the space below the rear grating (I would be glad if anyone could provide some advice on the usage of this space).
But I decided it would be nice to show two or three barrels stored next to the grating on the lower deck.
So I started to think about how to produce barrels and I this is what I came up to:
View attachment 332517
The barrel will consist of a core milled out of lime wood (combination of an upper and a lower part glued together) and will be planked with teak strips.
In Fusion 360 I created a parameter based model with adjustable, radius, height, outer segment count and so on including a visualization of the expected outcome. I hadn't planned this, it was just quite fun to do, so I spent quite some time playing around.
Here you can see the parts that I actually will produce using the CNC mill (the core parts and appropriate shaped planks):
View attachment 332520
And just to demonstrate the parameter based geometry, some different barrel version:
View attachment 332521
View attachment 332522
Below the front grating I plan to show the stored anchor cable, but I am not sure if that is realistic. So I ask you if it makes sense to store the anchor cable on the lower deck in the bow between the bowsprit base and the mortar base? (See picture of the location below)
View attachment 332527
(This part also needs some adjustments since I realized, that my planned mast base is incorrect. Therefore this needs to be corrected and a part of the black triangle shaped plywood piece needs to be removed in order to create a correct mast base)