La Santísima Trinidad 1797 / 1805

Un saludo… Aqui podéis ver unos videos del proceso de fabricación de los bateaguas. Gracias

Greetings... Here you can see some videos of the bateaguas manufacturing process. Thank you
amazing work - I like the the cover over the mast wedges extremely

If you have posted the videos on youtube, you can easily share them also directly here in SOS, only the link would work
Buenas tardes, me llamo Carlos y soy de la provincia de Barcelona. Estoy buscando planos del Santisima Trinidad para construirlo al estilo arsenal.
Todo lo que veo son maquetas con el casco hueco hecho de cuadernas de contrachapado, pero nadie lo ha intentado al estilo arsenal? o al menos solo lo que podido ver en museos. He intentado comprar los planos , pero no encuentro ninguna web que los comercialice. Los que circulan en PDF por ahi, no son muy detallados y no estan escalados. Si alguien me pudiese ayudar , seria perfecto. Muchas gracias.

Good afternoon, my name is Carlos and I am from the province of Barcelona. I'm looking for plans for the Santisima Trinidad to build it in the arsenal style.
All I see are models with the hollow hull made of plywood frames, but has anyone tried it arsenal style? or at least only what I could see in museums. I have tried to buy the plans, but I can't find any website that sells them. The ones that circulate in PDF out there are not very detailed and are not scaled. If someone could help me, it would be perfect. Thank you so much.
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Buenas tardes, me llamo Carlos y soy de la provincia de Barcelona. Estoy buscando planos del Santisima Trinidad para construirlo al estilo arsenal.
Todo lo que veo son maquetas con el casco hueco hecho de cuadernas de contrachapado, pero nadie lo ha intentado al estilo arsenal? o al menos solo lo que podido ver en museos. He intentado comprar los planos , pero no encuentro ninguna web que los comercialice. Los que circulan en PDF por ahi, no son muy detallados y no estan escalados. Si alguien me pudiese ayudar , seria perfecto. Muchas gracias.

Good afternoon, my name is Carlos and I am from the province of Barcelona. I'm looking for plans for the Santisima Trinidad to build it in the arsenal style.
All I see are models with the hollow hull made of plywood frames, but has anyone tried it arsenal style? or at least only what I could see in museums. I have tried to buy the plans, but I can't find any website that sells them. The ones that circulate in PDF out there are not very detailed and are not scaled. If someone could help me, it would be perfect. Thank you so much.
Hallo and welcome to the active part of our membership
The Santisima was a spanish purpose build, I do not know the standard spanish framing pattern of this time period.
Maybe it would be good to start a extra topic in the General area to have a detailed discussion there?