L'Amarante - French corvette from 1747 scale 1:30 [COMPLETED BUILD]

Great work and workmanship - and your model has a beautiful appearance -> wonderful colors and color combination of the timbers you were using.
Many Thanks for sharing also this amazing work.
Beautiful ship. I recieved a care package today with a prepaid visa and just ordered this Monographie. I love Gerards Work he does a nice job now the wait too bad they plans werent available for digital download
My Monographie and plans arrived today only took 2 weeks. I been bedridden with pneumonia for a while now and just went back to work today so when I get a paycheck in I am going to get a few of the important plans scanned in and Start a 3D build. its a beautiful ship and not so large it cant be done at bigger scale. the plans are 1/36th scale