Le Soleil Royal ZHL Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]

Mass production on the rope coils. More efficient than doing them for each cannon separately. And I can standardize them better. When doing onsey twosies, I tend to get invested in them. Now I don’t feel so bad about just throwing one away and starting over because I’m making a bunch of them. image.jpg
Hello Vic- again clever thinking.ThumbsupI wish I had some this with mine as I applied poly to my deck and the dab of glue I placed on my wheels is already not holding on some- I will remember this in future.
I ran into that on my Black Pearl, which I coated with tung oil. Super glue just wouldn’t stick. I’m also using pins to help hold my bits.
Hello Vic,
concerning rigging guns I would like to draw your attention on my build log of the USF Confederacy

Greetings Werner
The rigging is different for continental guns (ex: French) from the one you are working on. The recoil rope goes through the carriage frame and they use two rope/block rigs to pull it back to reload. image.jpg