Alie sells brass gears for a reasonable price. modul 1 gears, just have to search. I thought somewhere about 4 euro eachJust another note, one of the things I found difficult with building my own ropewalk in Aus, was to find plastic/metal gears at a reasonable price, without being Chinese-less-than-quality , or paying an absolute bomb. Anyone point me somewhere? I have modified the "Domanoff", I purchased said product, didn't work for me producing multi-threads, so I modified it with new gears, as the originals disintegrated. Anywho, I'm very happy with my setup, I would like to know where can you buy gears etc. Cheers.
I find this article quite fascinating I can see you can think out of the box , great engineering and electrical knowledge ianView attachment 285328
In this picture you see a mistake in the rope. In the middle the rope is not so nice twisted. This is because I stumbled about the dog.Yes maybe it was because of that. But the reason that this happens is that you go to fast with the separator on the walk when twisting the rope. That is what I mean with to build up experience. It will not give you the best result in one time. You need to practise. I spilled a roll of serafill (5 km yarn) getting the best result. So don't be ashamed when it does not work the first time.
wonderful information thank you. I have found a NZ outlet that imports Aman Serafil. They sent me a chart which is outstanding in quality. The colour range is extensive and when I spoke to them one of the first questions the lady asked was "what Tex are you looking for?" This inspired me and gave me confidence. On colour recommendation from BenD 861, 1003, 1002 and 7769 I chose 861 and 1002 1 x each colour 5,000 metre cones. Serafil 120/2 180 tex 16 as in the first page of Steef66 excellent article above. The beauty here is that it will take 3 - 4 weeks to arrive in NZ and then will cost NZD5.50 for the courier, Warehouse to me.Hi, sorry about the delay, I had to find the paperwork. Years ago I purchased Amann Serafil from Sewing Thread Specialists Group. They have a website, just do a Google search. Be aware , they have an Amann brochure, that you can download from the site but this supplier has a select amount of colours/sizes in their warehouse. Black (standing rigging) is easy and so is a beige colour (running rigging), it's getting the colours in various sizes that you need to check, especially if you want to go for a dark brown standing rigging. I use size 40 black for larger standing rigging, size 120 for smaller ropes like seizing/ratlines. With the beige colour , I use size 60 for running rigging, with size 120 for seizing etc. I do multiply threads to get thicker ropes. I also noticed that when I Googled, there is more available to Aus, than before. So try Google, Ebay. I have emailed the company I mentioned, to get an updated list of their Amann Serafil range. I'll let you know. Hope this helps. It's often frustrating getting things in Aus, quite often postage costs overseas make things a little expensive. I have so much satisfaction in making my own rope. I have modified my ropewalk many times. Enjoy, hope I have been helpful.
I've checked out the German outlet suggested by FishnChips. They do have Gutermann E121 again recommended by BenD. Perhaps when I can make rope without disasters I may purchase a few colours to justify the Euro30.00 postage to NZ.Just like to add, the German site (no English version), presented by FishnChips (thank you), does seem to have quite the choice of Amann, I had a quick look, with my limited German I believe postage costs are 30 euro to Aus. Cheers
Made four rope walks from items purchased from Bunnings. I stopped using the electric hand drill and pirated the peddle motor from my long deceased mother's Singer treadle sewing machine (Singer purchased pre WW2) it works exceptionally well. Belt drive can be figure 8 to reverse spin.. Currently making another one to reduce size.Just another note, one of the things I found difficult with building my own ropewalk in Aus, was to find plastic/metal gears at a reasonable price, without being Chinese-less-than-quality , or paying an absolute bomb. Anyone point me somewhere? I have modified the "Domanoff", I purchased said product, didn't work for me producing multi-threads, so I modified it with new gears, as the originals disintegrated. Anywho, I'm very happy with my setup, I would like to know where can you buy gears etc. Cheers.
Hi frankieg,Just another note, one of the things I found difficult with building my own ropewalk in Aus, was to find plastic/metal gears at a reasonable price, without being Chinese-less-than-quality , or paying an absolute bomb. Anyone point me somewhere? I have modified the "Domanoff", I purchased said product, didn't work for me producing multi-threads, so I modified it with new gears, as the originals disintegrated. Anywho, I'm very happy with my setup, I would like to know where can you buy gears etc. Cheers.
Yup sounds about right.I can get small 0.20mm using Serafil 300 tex 10 source threads in a 2x3 configuration.
It looks so much better to me.
I'm thinkin' size does matter. All I can get my hands on so far is Coates ELS mercerized cotton 30 wt. I've spent the last two days trying to understand thread sizes but I still in the dark. I have no idea how 30wt translates into Tex but if I use three stands of this I get a rope of about .018". Do you know how that would compare with your Serafil 300 tex 10.I've made 2 strand rope with my Dominoff but never really liked the look of it. I can get small 0.20mm using Serafil 300 tex 10 source threads in a 2x3 configuration.
It looks so much better to me. I'll do a search for Serafil 300 tex 10.
Sorry Daniel I just saw the .2mm. I'm old. You answered my question before I asked itI'm thinkin' size does matter. All I can get my hands on so far is Coates ELS mercerized cotton 30 wt. I've spent the last two days trying to understand thread sizes but I still in the dark. I have no idea how 30wt translates into Tex but if I use three stands of this I get a rope of about .018". Do you know how that would compare with your Serafil 300 tex 10.
What I'm trying to make is the outhaul rigging for the guns. I'm using 3mm blocks and the holes in the blocks are .016"(about). I need a bit smaller. I tried the two strand and surprisingly the rope ended up about the same size as the three strand, or close, it still won't go through the hole. I'll do a search for Serafil 300 tex 10.