Coming off my first and very educational build of the HMS Beagle, I now begin my 2nd journey with another OcCre model, the HMS Montanes. A full description of the Montanes can be
found here.
I know many like to see the unboxing, but unfortunately, I did not take photos of the unboxing, but it was as expected. Both of my OcCre models have been well boxed, complete and well organized. I find the instructions, photos and inventory lists to be well documented.
Before starting, I wanted to take a few minutes and reflect on my first build and remind myself of the things I would take forward to this new build:
1) Patience. Now that I have checked the "Build Complete" box for the first time, I now no longer have that hanging over my head and I believe I can be more patient.
2) Only work when I am in the mood. Some days you just don't do your best, take a break from the project.
3) Use less glue. I over glued everything and spent way too much time cleaning up glue over run.
4) Test fit more often. Again, take the time to test fit things before jumping in.
5) Read ahead. Look at plans down the road to make sure you know how the part you are working on will interact with other parts, etc.
6) Think of each step as a project in itself. Too easy to try and breeze through a step when you know there are hundreds more afterwards. Best example for me was the building of the 4 lifeboats for the Beagle. They were rushed and poorly done and I will redo one day. I wished I have viewed them as separate projects and taken the care to do them right. Each table, cannon, window, etc should be thought of the same.....
OK, enough talk, I will post be pics of my skeleton assembly next.