Hello Johan, Thanks for your visit and also for your very kind words. I am using
WWW.EvansDesigns.com they are one of our SOS Sponsors. I chose to use there 3V Nano size lights with a DC Regulated power supply for there small size and the white Led Lights do not require a Resistor. I also chose a couple of prewired sets of Led Lamps that gave only 1 feed line making them very handy. I could if shortened up a few lines on them but chose not to because the shrink wrap splice is much larger than those tiny wires. However the Red and Green Leds do come with a resistor, on a couple of these I spliced in a hard wire enabling me to move it back and hopefully out of sight..
I have also notched out the Aft mounting pedestal and drilled it for my mounting bolt with another hole on the forward side for the power feed for my led lighting that will connect around the Main Mast. Still have a few hurtless to work out but it is slowly coming together.
I hope this info. helps in solving a couple of your problems. Your approach may be just a little different than mine but I am sure that you will work it out.
Regards Lawrence