NORSKE LOVE - Billing Boats 1:75 scale

Just checking in…after getting a new supply of xacto blades, I have begun to finish the windows on the port side lower galley. Once done, I can add the floral carvings between them.
I am deciding what to do next. I can start the walls on the upper galley and plank the deck, or I can make the rudder and hinges and add the two cannon doors to the stern. It all has to be done, so what order is not that important at this point. And I am not completely happy with the window sills on the windows across the back of the stern. So I will probably modify those because they look too plain imo. ;)
Dear Dean. You have made excellent progress on the NL - I am so happy to see that you are back at the bench with the beautiful lady. Remember, you and I still have a project pending. :)
Thank you Heinrich! The carvings on the stern and galleries have been a challenge, but so far I am happy with the outcome and look forward to the upper galleries and railings.
I have not forgotten our project! ;)
So glad to hear from you.
I live out in deep woods in country, 2 miles of dirt and gravel roads, so some lights on fences and gates is about all we see.

I do miss living in town every now and then, but then I don't feel need to put up lights to keep up with the Smiths and Jones in town.
I live out in deep woods in country, 2 miles of dirt and gravel roads, so some lights on fences and gates is about all we see.

I do miss living in town every now and then, but then I don't feel need to put up lights to keep up with the Smiths and Jones in town.
I will move to the country once I retire. But I don’t try to keep up with anyone regardless.
The family and I took a drive tonight in our neighborhood to see lights. There were some really nice lights this year. Thought I would share a few…View attachment 491666View attachment 491667View attachment 491668View attachment 491669View attachment 491670View attachment 491671

Merry Christmas to all of you!
Good morning Dean. I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas. Wow those are some serious Christmas lights. I always enjoy those who put up the lights. In Cape Town we have a area called Bothasig (not a wealthy suburb) and these families put up lights every year (nothing as elaborate as those in your photos) however many people visit and the community give tea, coffee and cookies to the visitors- it is embraces the Christmas spirit. Cheers Grant
Happy New Year to all! May this new year bring you health, joy, success, and wonderful surprises. May your projects come to fruition, and may you be surrounded by those you hold dear.
Hello Dean,

I haven't had any updates on your work for a month, I hope you're doing well. ;)