OcCre limited edition HMS Victory build.

Good afternoon
Will there be a second layer of sheathing? If not, then the processing of the ports is fundamentally incorrect.View attachment 434194
Wow! OcCre instructions just say about bands of wales to be fitted. Nowhere near the detailing of yours.
I am too old now to even start the amount of detail you have.
Just following the kit instructions
Beautiful build. That is fantastic .
Beautiful job on the planking and gun ports
I have a question
Is there enough planks to completely cover the entire hull?
Simple answer to that. No. I think OcCre specifically wanted to show all the ribs.
Someone on here mentioned they might at some time, release an add on kit to give the modeller a choice. Pure speculation I think.
Just found out that OcCre only sells tools and accessories on their website to a few big retailers and suppliers in the UK. Not to individual customers. So I have to get some products through them. Weird !
Parts and help for kits , etc. they will help.
Just find this strange why they won’t sell accessories to the general public. Must be missing out on a steady income surely?
Tried to buy their precision set for the extra mini profile scraper and found this out.
I think they're having problems with those 'Berkshires' called UK customs, rejecting parts sent by post, & returning them to OcCre. They've tried twice to send me replacement wooden gun carriages, it's now a DIY job, at least there are only 12.
Есть какие-нибудь мысли?
Четыре детали, которые нужно вырезать и склеить вместе, но профиль остается тем же.
Эта часть корабля состояла из множества частей. Это не актерская роль. Хорошо, что производитель набора хотя бы постарался изобразить вещи княвдигеда в столь упрощенном виде.
Эта часть корабля состояла из множества частей. Это не актерская роль. Хорошо, что производитель набора хотя бы постарался изобразить вещи княвдигеда в столь упрощенном виде.
View attachment 435064

Эта часть корабля состояла из множества частей. Это не актерская роль. Хорошо, что производитель набора хотя бы постарался изобразить вещи княвдигеда в столь упрощенном виде.
View attachment 435064
Many thanks for your explanation. Translated to English on email notification. Fully understand now. Good old Occre.
Quick update on my progress. Stage by stage that some people might find boring, but I personally love the stages in builds with photos.
You can scroll on through if it’s over the top.
Ship now released from the build base. Lots of sanding tomorrow and the inner lining gone very sweetly.
Test fitted the stern part. All looking smooth.
Not sure of the proper names.
Bye bye faithful base. Kept everything square and true.
Kit says 5x1 lime to line the ribs. None in the kit. Think they meant beech !!!











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