Hi Toni,
I'm very pleased that you found my comments helpful! I'm always glad to help.
For plank bending. I let the plank soak in water for about 15 minutes. Then I use my bending iron to shape them to close to what they need to be to go on the ship. The iron I have I got from Model Expo (no, I don't work for them) and this is what it looks like.
You might break a few planks testing the water so to speak, but don't be afraid to put some pressure on it and also twist it as it comes out from under the iron. I think this iron is about $40 normally. You can often catch them when they have a sale for much less.
They also have some clamps available (pic below) and I have a set, but mostly I use office supply style binder clips and use a piece of wood under it to hold the plank down (also a pic below)
Thank you for the compliment on my build. No, I didn't to a log on it. I recently went through a move and didn't want any additional tasks to do. Besides, Kurt (
@DARIVS ARCHITECTVS ) did a wonderful build of the same ship and there is no way I can get this up to his level of quality
However, here is a picture of the hull that I just took. I'm just now getting to the point after the move that I can do some work on models again.
Due to the small size of this model and the low quality (you can't expect much for $18), I didn't bother with tapering each plank. If you look, you can see a few places where there are planks that come to a point. I wasn't too worried about it because my plan is to paint the hull.
I hope that helps a little bit.