Rattlesnake 1/48 - Harold M Hahn

@James Frost, BDW do yo hav mere picts?-
Maybe I should start another thread. I want to be polite to the gentleman that posted about Rattlesnake. Let me try posting the print of Rattlesnake again, for some reason I cant get it to load? It's a beautiful print. I will start another thread and I will title it, 'Building them Big.'
BDW, now there will be a break in this log until my foot gets better again, CA 6 – 8 weeks.

In the meantime, I'll keep an eye on you other modelers.

Always a lot of fun to learn and watch here at SOS, greetings Knut
Sorry for my late reply, Knut. Hopefully your foot is now better? And starting up the work on the yard?
Regards, Peter
The foot is better now but still limps a bit. When I was measuring the holes for the cannons I discovered that the whales were mounted a plank width too high, now dismantled, next attempt will be without black ink since I have discovered that sanding dust spreads very quickly to other wood. Colors with black ink later in the project, Knut-
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Removed whales due to incorrect height adjustment, measured and made cannon openings before new whales are installed, I still have to insert an extra plank into the whales that I am not happy with, blue tape is to avoid sanding too much.
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