Rattlesnake by MS

On Rattlesnake I purchased some mini pulleys. And then....I cut a hole in both sides of the hull, eeeeeeeekkkkk! So far so good but this one sheave took almost two hours to get the rectangular openings the right size and shape. I might just do the one sheave on either side port and starboard then go with simulated sheaves for the remaining four, don't know yet. But so far so good.
hey just think only 10 more hours
I just received Rattlesnake (MS version) as a gift and can't wait to start. This will only be my 2nd wooden build, so I will be following your log enthusiastically. Thanks for posting for
Hello, Scott @Scott Totten, We encourage our members to start their own build logs, and would love to see yours as well. Will you consider to share your build with us? ;)
I plan to start a log soon, I have minor items to obtain before starting. I travel for work, so I only get a couple days a month to build, but will definitely have a log. Thanks for the note.
You know, as a "wild hair" idea I'm making this stuff up as I go. The second sheave, starboard side, was completed in about 20 minutes. Different technique but same result. I'm optimistic.
Guess thats like when I was doing the rigging on the guns, first one took forever then as you go along you pick up tips from yourself
I didnt think I was going to like the rigging, but been having fun. Seeing that if you pull this line it did thatView attachment 128288

Beautiful! One question: The timber heads that run from the side of the bow up to the bow stem. How did you construct those? My Syren they came laser cut and I just sanded and trimmed. Nothing in the Rattlesnake kit. They're so curvy and hard to make from scratch.....

Beautiful! One question: The timber heads that run from the side of the bow up to the bow stem. How did you construct those? My Syren they came laser cut and I just sanded and trimmed. Nothing in the Rattlesnake kit. They're so curvy and hard to make from scratch.....
After a half dozen try but what i did was made a photo copy of the plans and traced it out on some flat stock soaked it and while still damp super glued and curved it around the damp wood acts as an accelerator
I wanted to make sure the scratch gun port covers were firmly attached to the gun port frames prior to trying to install them. So I'm putting them together one by one. Once the port cover is complete including the lanyard, a dab of gel type CA glue to temporarily hold it in position. Then some JB Weld epoxy on each mounting point. The epoxy dries dark grey which may be good enough but methinks I'll have to dab a little black paint on the joint and let it dry some more.

Oh, and I installed the waterway for the lower deck today as well. I'll snap a pic once I finish drilling the scuppers.
