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Schooner Albatross from Constructo [COMPLETED BUILD]

Привет Саша,
Есть такая умная книжонка К. Х. Марквардта Рангоут такелаж и паруса судов 18 века, Эта книга есть на Русском языке. Там есть по шхунам параграф.

There is such a clever little book by K. H. Marquardt Rangout rigging and sails of ships of the 18th century, This book is available in the Russian language. There is a chapter on schooners.
Привет Саша,
Есть такая умная книжонка К. Х. Марквардта Рангоут такелаж и паруса судов 18 века, Эта книга есть на Русском языке. Там есть по шхунам параграф.

Есть такая умная книжка К.Х. Марквардта Рангута по такелажам и парусам кораблей XVIII века. Эта книга доступна на русском языке. Есть глава о шхунах.
Дима, привет. У меня есть. Я построил на нем Феникс. Но на шхунах очень мало. К тому же «Альбатрос» - это уже 19 век.
С днем рождения, Саша! Здоровья, счастья и новых творческих успехов в моделизме! Birthday-Cake
Hello to all my fellow modelers. I continue to change (improve) the schooner "Albatross". Well, I can't just put it together from a set. I made the foremast. Changed long salinga and kraspitsa. The pärtners of the mast and the gaff heel in the set are offered to be made of wire. Replaced with pear ones. Added weft to the mast to secure the ends of the rigging.20210519_220328.jpg20210519_220409.jpg20210520_201400.jpg20210520_201442.jpg20210520_201451.jpg20210520_201334.jpg20210520_212625.jpg20210520_212708.jpg20210525_215941.jpg20210525_220002.jpg
And now I'll show you how I make the shackles of the yufers.20210525_203208.jpg
I made a template from improvised materials. On the left, a rod with a diameter equal to the thickness of the ufer inside the groove.

I drilled a hole with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the wire. I have a 0.5 mm wire here. I insert the end of the wire into the hole and wrap it around the template.20210525_203231.jpg

I solder the joint with solder. To do this, use acid for soldering and solder (in my country it is called POS-40). After soldering with wire cutters, we bite off the excess and clean off the unnecessary. Goal: to ensure that the soldering and thickening area is not visible.



Then everything is simple. We insert the uppers and put the entire structure on a thin mandrel. With pliers with round sponges, we squeeze and get ALMOST the final result.


I have just reviewed your wonderful schooner. Wow you truly are a craftsman Alexander74. I especially like the way you fabricated the dead eye shackles.
I see where @Jimsky calls you by the name Sasha, I shall refer to you by that as well.

I see where @Jimsky calls you by the name Sasha, I shall refer to you by that as well.
Hello Daniel, Being both of us Russian speaking, we utilize the names utilized in Russia. Aleksander, Alexander, Aleksandr, Alex is the formal name of Sasha or Sanya or Sahs, used by friends. Russian is not an easy language... :cool:
Hello Daniel, Being both of us Russian speaking, we utilize the names utilized in Russia. Aleksander, Alexander, Aleksandr, Alex is the formal name of Sasha or Sanya or Sahs, used by friends. Russian is not an easy language... :cool:
Jim I did not realize you also spoke Russian. Thank you for the clarification I will use Sasha as I consider him and all my SOS responders as friends.