Please to place some visual evidenses(pictures) which You coscider could be solid arguments, and will confirm Your doubts, mentioned above, regarding channels positions, for this model ?
I'm very interested in it !))
All The Best!
Most references show evidence of the channels at a lower position, although there are some that shows them at the position that I have on my model.
There is inclusive one very well known painting that shows a french vessel contemporary with Soleil Royal with the channels in the upper position:
This one representing Soleil Royal itself, clearly shows the channels in the lower position:
Most of existing paintings regarding Soleil Royal, shows the lower position:
This is a page of a German book about Soleil Royal, which I don’t have, but it does show it with the channels in the upper position:
Another painting showing the lower position:
I also found a couple of drawings in the book “Les Vaisseaux du Roi Soleil”, showing Royal Louis with channels in the upper position:
The model from the Louis XV that is in Paris museum from 1700 also shows the lower postion:
My “educated” guess is that probably the channels should be in the lower position, but as there exist some evidence regarding the contrary, I think I will proceed as it is now…