Soleil Royal - Heller 1/100 Back to work!

Very impresive achievement. it is not easy to finish a plastic hull to make it look like wood the way you have done with this model.
Are you planning to scratch build the mast and yards from wood?
This is a build I will also follow.
Very impresive achievement. it is not easy to finish a plastic hull to make it look like wood the way you have done with this model.
Are you planning to scratch build the mast and yards from wood?
This is a build I will also follow.

Thanks for the nice words Bluebeard!

I will scratch build the masts and yards from brass and plastic, the same way I did the bowsprit mast already installed. Brass do have the weight/rigidity advantage comparing to plastic or wood at this scale. It is a very good option for these parts in my opinion.