Soleil Royal ZHL kit 1:90 Scale [COMPLETED BUILD]

Welcome to group.. Thank you for sharing your beautiful model. I hope mine can be half as nice as yours. I'd love it if you could start a build log and show stages of construction, sure could use the help. I would welcome any comments and suggestions.
Thanks for the feedback. Question - who will tell you how to spend rudder-pendant from Soleil Royal?
Welcome to group.. Thank you for sharing your beautiful model. I hope mine can be half as nice as yours. I'd love it if you could start a build log and show stages of construction, sure could use the help. I would welcome any comments and suggestions.
I hope you will also be able to build a great model.I apologize for my English .I use the self-translator.There will be questions,will try to help.
Hi BigMike It's probably too late now.You are not confused by this fracture of the skin.I had to build up the penultimate frame.I also raised the height of the poop decks and the half-poopimage (1).jpegIMG_1053.JPGIMG_1863.JPGIMG_1864.JPGIMG_1871.JPGsr110.jpg to 9 mm..Remade the bulkhead according to the Museum model.
Hi BigMike It's probably too late now.You are not confused by this fracture of the skin.I had to build up the penultimate frame.I also raised the height of the poop decks and the half-poopView attachment 65089View attachment 65090View attachment 65091View attachment 65092View attachment 65093View attachment 65094 to 9 mm..Remade the bulkhead according to the Museum model.
Thank you for taking time to help me out. If I had planked the stern completely at the bottom there would be not much of the stern post showing. I figured the molding would hide the step in the middle of the stern leaving more of the post showing. I like what you did with the poop decks. It's a much better look than what's provided in the kit. Thanks for showing how you remade the bulkhead, I am looking into doing that if I'm not to far along.
I believe Mr Deep said his Soleil was the first version of the ZHL kit. My kit is the second version of the kit, it does not come with sails. The second version was released in early June this year. Hope this helps.

you have rigt, Mr Deep said he have made them himself, he is very good to saving/stithingThumbsup
[QUOTE = "BigMike, innlegg: 46321, medlem: 5354"] Hei Stavanger, jeg beklager at jeg skrev feil webadresse i det innlegget. JohnSliver har den riktige linken som er oppført nedenfor. Glad for at du følger med. Så langt er jeg veldig fornøyd med settet og takk for komplimenter. [/ QUOTE]

hello igen from ( STAVANGER:)) i have made a new profile in google whit transelate, this is mutch easyer for me and my bad englishTommel opp
Hi Mike.Please tell me you set the lights also look like?Is there any instruction on how to collect them?View attachment 65772View attachment 65773View attachment 65774
Hell Mr Deep, yes the lights in my kit are the same. The instructions have 2 pictures, one showing the photo etch sheet and the other sowing the completed light. All that is said about them is to use tin to weld them together. The instructions are pictures with no real building steps. The pics do help.
[QUOTE = "BigMike, innlegg: 46321, medlem: 5354"] Hei Stavanger, jeg beklager at jeg skrev feil webadresse i det innlegget. JohnSliver har den riktige linken som er oppført nedenfor. Glad for at du følger med. Så langt er jeg veldig fornøyd med settet og takk for komplimenter. [/ QUOTE]

hello igen from ( STAVANGER:)) i have made a new profile in google whit transelate, this is mutch easyer for me and my bad englishTommel opp
Hello Stavanger, you are doing fine with your English. Thumbsup