Sovereign of the Seas (Mantua) by Nj0rdr

Too lazy for that... but I've posted a few things in the other thread. The hull has been ready for a good while, I am working on the carvings and on the guns now.
Hallo Janos,
please start one.....we are happy about every single photos you show us.....and we are all patient in lazy periods..... ;)

this is my first ship with metal castings. Most of the castings are okay, but when you go really close you find a lot of imperfections. I use a hammer and vise to bring the castings in the shape I want. The most difficult pieces have been the vertical decorations of the bow section. These parts needed to be reformed completely as my bow area is looking different than in the model.


also intersting were the gunports in the bulwarks. I opened the vise as much as possible so the edges of the gunport was just touching it. Then I was taking a thin screwdriver (was not able to find something else which was strong and thin enough) and placed it in the middle. Just hammered on it thill I got the radius of the gunport I wanted.

some real construction also happened at my yard.
I continued with the decoration below the galleries and stumbled about a huge problem: The decorations are too big for the gap I had between the wales. After some thought I came to the solution that I mill out the shape of the decorations on the upper wale.
I really like the look of it and it is worth the extra effort.


Also started with 2 hinges, because they will be hard to install after installing of the gallery support.
Hello all,

a little bit late, but I wish you all a great New Year.
To be honest there was not so much going on in my shipyard. To busy visiting family and friends (and obviously eating and drinking a lot)

first gunport finished

second gunport done and already added some of the supports for the gallery.

all supports done (the supports required a lot of adjustments to fit halfway properly)

and here the overall view with all decorations done for the port side.
Next step is to finish the decorations on the starboard side, which will still take some time.
One of my favourite sailing ships and you are doing great. Good job i like your work I'll follow your page with interest. Thumbsup
Wolfgang, fine work, you have more pictures, preferably full size, greeting Knut-
Thank you all for the kind words.

I have made some adjustments on the big lantern. I have added some wooden stripes and painted them golden to cover it up. I left out a small part in the stripes for the cables of the LED which is inside the lantern.

IMG_9431.JPG IMG_9432.JPG

Also started with the stern gallery. I have planned to cut off the part below the lower golden profile and just leave the middle as it is. The idea is that the casted parts should fit better.
This time a picture in full resolution for Knut.
