Kurt: thanks for your notes – always appreciated. I think that the best remedy for this “mess” is to first attach and secure the lower balcony floor to the stern. Then will work on, as you suggest, rebuilding the structure underneath to nicely extend and fit to the underside of the stern balcony area with the right dimensions.
Regarding the transom – that’s probably “dead in the water”. Kind of late to deal with that – your research is certainly correct regarding the Sovereign.
PS: BTW -- You have raised an incredible bar when it comes to “kit bashing” lol….
But, since I did not add a round tuck, I then just mentally remembered my Vasa build – both ships being of similar vintage it did not occur to me that it could be wrong for an English ship. And I also referred to McKay’s stern image (yes I know, he’s gotten huge critical flack about this issue) So my results concur with those two sources.

I may revisit this using very thin wood. The issue would become the hull planks, at the stern, coming up a bit short with horizontal timbers not overlapping as needed. also added above current work
Daniel: Thanks as well for your concurrence with Kurt as well as your kind post.
Will post again when all done.

Regarding the transom – that’s probably “dead in the water”. Kind of late to deal with that – your research is certainly correct regarding the Sovereign.
PS: BTW -- You have raised an incredible bar when it comes to “kit bashing” lol….
But, since I did not add a round tuck, I then just mentally remembered my Vasa build – both ships being of similar vintage it did not occur to me that it could be wrong for an English ship. And I also referred to McKay’s stern image (yes I know, he’s gotten huge critical flack about this issue) So my results concur with those two sources.

I may revisit this using very thin wood. The issue would become the hull planks, at the stern, coming up a bit short with horizontal timbers not overlapping as needed. also added above current work
Daniel: Thanks as well for your concurrence with Kurt as well as your kind post.
Will post again when all done.
