AllenKP69 – Thanks for your very informative link. I’ve saved the doc., and also added it to my cannons folder. Those sidebar links are also very informative.
Sergal’s SotS’ guns are certainly incorrect. Even more so are the smaller guns that occupy its forecastle and quarter deck.
This issue has been brought up earlier in the log by Kurt (@DARIVIS ARCHITECTVS), and others as well. Also, of note – as we all know – kit manufacturers include mostly all the same generic parts bin cannons into their products.
That said, after-market offerings are a good source for period and country correct examples. Of course, at a significantly added cost, and possibly impossible to source in the correct scales.
Kurt – To your point yes, the SotS is a truly beautiful model – hence its great popularity within this hobby. But if it weren’t for its 650+ bright metal bits, this kit would not be as interesting IMO. The catalysts are its 650+ decorative bits.
To this particular product’s detriment Sergal/Mantua have replaced all of the original solid bronze bits and 100+ cannons from its vintage kit with cheaper and much less detailed white metal then plated parts in today’s product.
I have ranted about this earlier in this log – along with images that compare the vintage metal bits with its current product
(parenthetically) with no drop in average retail pricing with a few retailers even asking $1,300.00 USD .
Of note
Nigel @NMBROOK was the one who informed me of this issue after I had decided to buy this kit – I was luckily able to source a vintage kit from the secondary market. That one had all original issue solid bronze decorations. In deference to the current product there are many other added features that are very good improvements.
FYI - Couple of comparative images below - but in the aggregate this kit does make for a beautiful model even if built right-out-of-the-box..