Statenjacht PEGASUS circa 1700 [COMPLETED BUILD]

Looking neat, Dan!

Thank you Jimsky. I tried to do my best. This is the first time I am doing an interior ship. I have never built anything from scratch. Just ~ 30 year ago I did from scratch the SWIFT with the AL plans. But that was easy, and was my first build at all. I was able to manage to buy wood strips and some guns. But this type of build.... I wasn't even dreaming I will do something like this. My wife pushed me.

So far, at my expertise level, they are far to being great, but neither I regret the outcome. I am very happy :-)

Hi Daniel,
that looks good.
Question: Is this drawing from the book
or was it with the kit?
It was not inclouded in my china-kit.

Hi Daniel,
das sieht schon gut aus.
Frage: Ist die Zeichnung aus dem Buch
oder war sie bei dem Kit?
In meinem China-Kit war sie nicht enthalten.

View attachment 199352

Thank you Karl !!!

Those are the plan drawings of Cor Emke included in the English version of the book the Statenjacht Utrecht 1776. The book has 15 pages of plans 1:50

This is one of those:


With my Pegasus Kit 4 pages of those 15 were included ( see picture below) (zoom the picture)


Hello Daniel,
I just spent a most enjoyable hour catching up on this build. Such ambition! And so well executed! Keep up the good work - and I will now be watching with admiration.

Thank you Paul !!!

It is far away of well executed. Your hull planking and decoration paintings is a well executed job.

Nevertheless, I am very happy that you liked it.

Best !!!

Lets end 2020 with an update as some could be thinking "What is going on with the Pegasus".

As all this scratch building is new for me. Every step takes me hours. I lost a lot of time thinking how i can do XYZ. The I try and.... disaster. Start again.

For you all with your modeler trained hawks vision :-) you will see a LOT of.....Mmm that isn't correct....or....Mmm that isn't square...etc.

Many of those mistakes will be hidden. Example the screwed beans of the foremost cabin, where I have to place a stair, will be covered by the floor deck door that goes there....and I promise I will do it square :-).

I do not plan to place deck planks. Unless it is imperative for the finish. You will see.

Still missing many details on those cabins. You will notice that the crew beds have white covers. The passenger beds have a better quality cover and beds are biggers.... Ha ha :-)

Now this is where I am.

Cheers to all of you !!! And thank you for all your support on this 2020.

You have looked well after your crew Daniel! They have been provided with all possible amenities, while those decorations sure look like fiddly work to construct.
You have looked well after your crew Daniel! They have been provided with all possible amenities, while those decorations sure look like fiddly work to construct.

Yes, my crew have what they need. I take good care of them. But the passengers keep the business moving. I need to provide them accommodations in accordance with their wealth. Let see if they like their cabins when finished ..... :-)

Finished the deck stair door for the crew bow cabin. I will consider that cabin finished, considering details.

Also did a modification on the bean so the Sailors reduce their chance of hitting their heads against it :-). Unfortunately anybody will notice it :-) . But , as I answered to Heinrich. The Statenjacht crew are the pillars of the ship. Without them we don't go anywhere. We take care of them (besides the company don't want to be prosecuted for heads crashes :-) )


