Very nice additions, John! It is a nice looking clinker-build boat, I would leave it as is, You may add some small details like rudder, oars, anchor, also substitute the plastic thwarts with wooden and would add more. Maybe knees...
I have just opened and scrolled down your log which you have presented very well with your careful and foresightful work. I can envision a very good outcome. I wonder if you will undertake the steam boiler engine and controls to operate the boat? At the 20 scale you are not having to work like a watchmaker with very small components all the time and getting finger cramps. Excellent progress. Rich (PT-2)Very nice additions, John! It is a nice looking clinker-build boat, I would leave it as is, You may add some small details like rudder, oars, anchor, also substitute the plastic thwarts with wooden and would add more. Maybe knees...
I have just opened and scrolled down your log which you have presented very well with your careful and foresightful work. I can envision a very good outcome. I wonder if you will undertake the steam boiler engine and controls to operate the boat? At the 20 scale you are not having to work like a watchmaker with very small components all the time and getting finger cramps. Excellent progress. Rich (PT-2)
Thank you Heinrich for your nice comments, it's good to have you aboard,Absolutely beautiful work John! I will follow with great interest!
It is informative to watch a build at this larger scale compared to how we proceed in the small models. Thanks for your photo log. RichLooking good ! I love your building style
Kind Regards,Daniel
G'day Daniel here is the link to Cornwall Model boats, I bought all the fittings from them,Hello ,I have a question.
Can you post a link for the vendor of the portholes?
Many Thanks
Your progress is carefully planned and laid out with the excellent joinery. You almost have a full sized shipyard here. RichView attachment 223863
This frame is meant to be in two halves, each sitting against the deadwood, I decided to cut down through the
deadwood and sit the frame on the keel as one piece,
View attachment 223864
I cut the slot a little oversize to allow me to manipulate the frame into position and i will add a strip of wood to
lock everything up tight,
View attachment 223865
I cut a rebate into the stern knee post for sitting the last square frame into,
View attachment 223866
test fitting the last square frame,
View attachment 223867
and a couple of views of the last frame, I still have one more square frame to fit and that goes on the stern post
itself, hopefully tomorrow,
View attachment 223868