Second attempt better. Must remember law of forces.
The steps are roughed out by milling so the thickness left is 6.36mm. Remember paper +glue is thick, so remove this from above the steps before milling. The Proxxon is a bit fiddly as the XY table is small and the piece has to be sited several times for each side particularly for the clamps to grip. I have to remove total of 1.3mm -half from each side. This seems basic, but treble check before switching on -a remake at this stage will require expletives. I leave a margin above the steps, When I reposition piece and clamps, I restore the Z location (up down) to previous setting and oops- notice its cutting slightly deeper. I realised that the position of clamps allowed the top of part 5 to rise up and cause a deeper cut. IF REPOSITIONING RESET DEPTH ANEW. Fortunately the plan called for a Taper aft to width of 5.3mm. When I checked and remeasured, this mistake fell within the area and was removed with the taper. PHEW!
Also left the aft end over high as still not sure how the transom#4 sits- there is a notch on the plans that I haven't yet worked out.
Cut out and applied pattern from keel to steps, final shaping and sizing with the chisel blades.
Complex taper below the steps , up down and fore aft. The stem-most steps are a continuous gentle curve and the first bit disappears with the tapering. However the keel will (I hope) act as a support. The taper is very sharp-from 7.95mm to 2.65.
Patterns applied in both direction. I decide to take a chance and start off with my small band sander held in a desk clamp. More control taking part to tool. CAREFUL.
Then sand (against sanding board)/scrape/measure, sand/scrape/measure- slowly but surely. Note scraper, one-sided razor blade. This straightens the curve that sanding tends to course. Use mostly in one direction. I also prefer the fine finish.
The keel taper is simple (especially that I now know how to locate station 14), apply pattern and alternate sanding (equal nos. to both sides).
Locate stern deadwood on previously fitted pins of the keel.
Is it good enough? Even if hidden, I'll think on it overnight.
PS TFFM says the apron/stem is one of the most difficult- I think this is worse. Maybe psychologically because I thought this would be easier or the lack of the band saw. Certainly mood effects eye /hand coordination or maybe its sod's law, just to make things worse