Hachette Partworks LTD is a publishing company out of the UK that publishes collectible series such as Marvel Graphic Novel Collections, Judge Dredd, Art Therapy, Warhammer, Doctor Who, Disney Cross Stitch, and more. They carry an innovative line of high-quality book collections, craft art, build-up models, etc. The company claims to fascinate and inspire with it's editorial content across a wealth of subjects and big name licenses such as Marvel and Disney. Hachette publications are sold in 33 countries and in 16 different languages. They do NOT sell inside North America.
In late 2011, Hachette released their partworks publication of the Disney Black Pearl. This was a subscription-based magazine consisting of 120 issues. Each issue told the story of Jack Sparrow and his adventures on the Black Pearl. The magazines were full of Disney imagery and were marketed specifically as a Disney licensed product. Each issue cost approximately 6 Euro (price varied by country). Along with each issue came a few parts to build a wooden model of the Black Pearl. The magazine provided step-by-step photo instructions on how to assemble the model. The approach was to get parents working with their children to build the model. Over the course of about 2 years, the 120 magazine issues would provide enough parts and instructions to complete the model.
The Hachette Black Pearl model itself is assembled using traditional plank-on-bulkhead construction. Most of the structural parts in the model are made from MDF. Other parts are made from strip wood, cloth, cast metal, photo etch, and paper as you would typically see in a kit. The model features a cutaway hull that exposes a partially detailed interior. There are also cast cargo parts and furniture to accommodate the interior. Although there is no specific scale published for the model, it measures to about 80cm long.. this would make it about 1:65 scale. The model also does not include any full-sized plan drawings. You only get the pictorial instructions included in the magazines.
The Hachette Black Pearl was produced with some assistance from Amati as many of the fittings, decorations, and parts from the model seem to be stock Amati parts. There was also a time (2016 - 2017) where Amati was considering marketing the model as an actual kit but did not for whatever reason. The model briefly appeared as a "coming soon" in the Amati catalog but was soon removed. If anyone can show an example of a kitted Amati version of the Black Pearl I would be happy to update my statement.
Hachette's Black Pearl, while a nice looking model, does not capture the look of the movie ship at all. It is not painted black, the shape of the stern gallery is wrong, the size/shape/number of statues is inaccurate, cargo parts are overscale, cannon inaccurate, staircases are not curved, stern carvings missing, many incomplete details, masts are too short, incorrect rigging plan, interior details don't match movie scenes, plastic parts, and more. Although licensed by Disney, the model is not the most accurate depiction of the ship from the movies.
Hachette discontinued publication of their Black Pearl sometime around 2017. Examples of all 120 issues can be found on Ebay for more than $1200 today. There are many build logs and examples of finished builds of the model on You Tube and elsewhere. Although it was never sold in the USA or Canada, it seems to have been fairly popular in other countries.
The Hachette Black Pearl remains today as the only Disney licensed wooden model of the Black Pearl ever produced. Keep in mind, it was never sold as a "kit", never sold in North America, and is no longer available.
I am happy to update this blog with any objective fact-based information that anyone would like to PM me. My goal is to give our readers the truth.