The Black Pearl

Here is the Creative Plus, in the UK ad for the Hachette Black Pearl back in 2016. Appreciate comments from folks who may have built this model.

nice model
compared to the ZHL model in appearance, design and concept the two models are worlds apart actually so far apart they are not even in the same solar system.
They both have a generic look to them and basic design elements, it is the same ship portrayed differently one is a diorama and the other a ship model.

are they clones of one another part for part obviously not
could they have sprung from a common set of drawings? doubtful as there were no original ship plans just a stage prop.

zhl bp.JPG
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Stay tuned folks!! We are still researching a few facts and waiting for some responses to a few emails before our next blog!! If anyone on SoS has built the Hachette version of the Black Pearl we would very much like to hear your objective feedback regarding the model for the story. We are happy to keep your info private if you wish. Please Private Message me if you like. Thanks.
there are also a few blogs and build logs floating around that we are working on to translate and consolidate them here,

As Mike stated we are uncovering statements, misinformation, facts and a few sketchy facts all being checked out "fact checking" everything and every statement made is checked and rechecked for accuracy.
in 11 days we jumped from 0 to 2,000 views and still getting more and more hits from guests and members.

it seems everyone is looking for the true story behind the Black Pearl many questions still out there that we hope to either prove or disprove
there are interviews lined up at the door from builders who took on the task of scratch building, where did they get the research, what is their version based on?
Dave and Mr. Shanks, I am glad you are doing all the fact checking and back research on this subject.

Lately with all that's going on I get tired of hearing something only hours or days later proven to be false or misleading.

I have thought about getting a BP kit and just building as unnamed pirate ship for the fun of having a pirate ship to sail around.
Just found, that the ZHL Black Pearl kits are also sold via a retailer in Germany, G.K Modellbau, a very reliable german company, which is also devolping and producing their own kits


interesting Sea Burd, notice there is no mention of Disney or a licensed by Disney or any images from Disney.

Either there are a lot of companies pirating Disney Intellectual property everywhere around the world or there is far more to it that any of us non lawyers realize.

as Mike points out there are different categories and each involves different licensing or no licensing at all. To accuse any one company of IP theft is at the very least irresponsible or some sort of hidden agenda to black list a company is at play.

- Publications
- Toys/Souvenirs
- Scale model kits

G.K Modelbau in Germany seem to have no problem with the ZHL Black Pearl kit.
Just found, that the ZHL Black Pearl kits are also sold via a retailer in Germany, G.K Modellbau, a very reliable german company

I am happy to see GK Modellbau selling them. It is no surprise to me considering the ZHL Black Pearl is the only "wooden scale model kit" of the Black Pearl currently available on the international market. In other words, there is no other true kit to buy. Unless consumers want a prebuilt model or a toy, the only place they can get a "kit" of the Black Pearl is from ZHL.

I believe this is the truth... someone please show me otherwise.
even the Franklin Mint is on board with the Black Pearl
I did not see any statement the model is licensed by Disney.

where did this rumor start about Black Pearl kits and models had to be licensed by Disney and if not they are considered IP theft?

I have to LMAO with this statement in their add: Master craftsmen using historical photographs, drawings or original plans meticulously handcraft these highly detailed wood models from scratch!

I can believe the hand made from scratch maybe, sure they have a set of bulkheads, keels and deck plates laser cut or CNC produced!

But what historical photograph and original plans were used, unless you call the movie old enough to be called historical!
I need to check and see if in fact Old Modern Handicrafts is a licensed Disney company that is allowed to produce a Black Pearl?
what could the difference be, if any, between an assembled black Pearl and one that comes as parts for a kit?
I am sure the Franklin Mint is a heavy weight and well respected, I do not think they would offer a product if it had to be licensed and there was not one.
But what historical photograph and original plans were used, unless you call the movie old enough to be called historical!

I also caught that statement original plans as historical reference is possible because there are ship plans of the period that can be used as a reference for the general appearance. But for the historical photographs I do not think cameras existed during the golden age of piracy.
so the statement is a bit of a stretch.
One thing to keep in mind with what looks like a Lego ship is the title says "Legoings" which is a copycat company of Lego products, not official Danish Lego items.

I have learned this when shopping online for Lego Train items, knock off brands copycat the designs of official Lego material all the time.