The Frederick from the Lumberyard

step by step means frame by frame and with more trust in the lines, you can reduce the meat during cutting out
- with this you reduce very much the later sanding work outside and especially inside (which is a hard work) of the hull
Thank you for your suggestion and guidance . I will make my cut closer to template line to avoid additional sanding.

As of today all 29 full frames have been cut out along the paper template attached to wood pattern.

I’m going to start with the mid ship frames and get them ready for the keel. I plan on doing a dry fit of these frames to keel and jig just to see how she looks.

Take care everyone .
Todays post dry fitting frames helps me learn about the construction of frames from the patterns needed to support the frame templates. I appreciate the CAD drawings of the frame templates Dave created. My task is to see that they are attached to the wood patterns without wrinkles, then cut out working with the frame outline. The notch was cut and sanded to sit center line on the keel to the best of my ability. Each frame plays its part and I begin to see the shape of the hull. Slowly but surely She will begin to look like a ship.
Hello to everyone on this forum
Some updates on my build. I’ve added a photo of dryfit of all full frames that sit on keel. Working on getting keelson in place too.
I’ve added tools used for this build. Hand tools plus dremel and disc sander ( shown previously )
Stay well




It’s kind of you all for your encouragement. I have learned a lot from the threads and replies on this forum.
Doing my own build log is a my way of saying thank you. Perhaps my thread might help others who are learning as I am.

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Your framing is looking very good - I think you are on a very good way