Trumpeter 1/200 Missouri build [COMPLETED BUILD]

I am in awe with the work on the guns. I am the most inept modeler when it comes to doing PE at that small scale. Without going into a full description of how you do this, could you post a few pictures showing the steps you go through and the glues that you use to do the assembly. It would be much appreciated.

I am considering attacking the 1:200 Hornet with the upgrade packages and I am not happy with many of the PE tutorials on the net. While the Hornet has some defensive guns, most of the other items are fairly simple in construction. Perhaps a link to a very detailed tutorial on PE would be appreciated.

Looking forward to your next installment.

Hi there IR3
As far as the glue I use, I have found that Super Glue Gel works best. It's a thick version of super glue and it works just fine for pe to pe gluing as well as pe to plastic when mounting the parts. Applying the glue is usually done with toothpicks.
As far as a tutorial, it's been mostly learn by experience. The kits do come with an assembly manual, but deciphering them into do this, do this, do this is not listed and comes to you by intuition and repetition.
Of course, proper tools are a must. Obviously, magnifying glasses are a must. Different tweezers and needed also. Make sure they have serrated surfaces, otherwise you encounter the dreaded 'bing' problem. A part 'bings' while in the tweezers and the tweezer faces move sideways and it's gone forever. My favorite tool for working with these parts I found at MicroMark. They are advertised as surgeon pliers and are supposedly used to remove splinters. They come to a really small point and have serrated surfaces.
Putting up a set of pics is going to take some time, but I have an idea that might work. Give me some time.
Hey IR3
I needed a break from football after watching both the Giants and Jets get sloshed. So here is the bending sequence of the biggest part of the 20mm gun, the front shield. I'll do something similar with the remaining parts that have to be bent, but just the before and after versions. Then I'll do an assembly set.


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The 20MMs look great Jim. How about the hull? Did you decide if the blue that you chose was the proper shade or not.
I was worried that the blue would be too dark compared to the water line stripe. But after seeing it, I'm gonna leave it alone. I have to dull coat the hull and then I'll get some pics up.
Here are all the pieces that have to be bent, showing the sequence (I did leave out a couple of bends on the last two pieces)


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And finally the targeting device and the magazine are mounted. One gun is finished a total of 50 will be built.


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Hi Jim,

Excellent work. What glues are you using to hold it all together?


Timing any of these activities, as you know, is pointless. But I would guess that it takes about 15 minutes to cut, bend, and assemble each gun.
Jim and I have somewhat of a differrent approach to building the Missouri. Jim is doing the full tilt boogie on his. I, on the other hand are working within my limitations. As of late my hands have started shaking a bit and I just can't make those 20mm's as jim did. I have used my PE kits as adornments. On that note here is a picture of my stern section.


All of this is incredible. I am glad that Jim decided to turn this into a build log for others to follow, and even encourage others to build this type and class of ship here on the forums.
