USS Constitution from Scientific Models

Apparently they knew there would be gaps between the bow and the stem because they suggested the use of putty for the gaps. I’m surprised there weren’t bigger gaps than I had. Sanding the bow to fit a pre-existing shaped stem was a bit frustrating, but I think it turned out alright.
Ahora tengo en mi poder dos modelos Scientific: el Connie y el RE Lee. Ambos tienen cascos de bloque sólido. Puede que este no sea un gran desafío, pero es para un amigo, y estoy seguro de que le gustará. Dice en la caja su auténtica calidad de museo. Creo que es porque Gary lo compró en el museo.
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un barco de casco macizo no es un modelo de museo ¡¡Jamás!!
I am just now catching up to this one. To me, considering it being 1984, the kit seems quite impressive. But, ship modeling was not a thing from my mind at that time. So, I have no clue as to what was going on with wooden ship models at that time. And that seems like a good topic to start "who and what kits were available during certain eras."
I am just now catching up to this one. To me, considering it being 1984, the kit seems quite impressive. But, ship modeling was not a thing from my mind at that time. So, I have no clue as to what was going on with wooden ship models at that time. And that seems like a good topic to start "who and what kits were available during certain eras."
I agree, Donnie. I’ve heard of some marvelous kits of that time. I tried a solid hull kit about 30 years ago, pre Dremel and power sander. After about 30 hours of sanding the hull, I gave up on it. Twenty years ago, I tried a Bounty that had two half-hulls that you were supposed to glue together after forming them. They didn’t fit. I must have done something wrong. I felt like Jeremy Clarkson trying his hand at farming in Clarkson Farm on Amazon Prime.
One modeler I respect referred to the Scientific kits as "unbuildable", but I've always had confidence a handsome result, with patience and a little ingenuity, can be made of them. I made their little Flying Cloud years ago and was ambitious about it. Much of what was attempted didn't work out, but I am pleased with my little clipper and have enjoyed it since.
Recently I was given another Scientific Flying Cloud, completed another modeler long ago, which stuck closer to the kit's plans and resources. Even in its damaged state, I still feel the modeler had a good time with the kit


Nice work, inspired me to continue with my CW MORGAN & USF ESSEX. I did use the premade decking purchased from one of many vendors. No knots on the deck. But, these kits fill a large niche for guys like me! Learning and doing!
Vic, what a great ship to build. Look forward to your progress! Magic Mike
Thanks, Magic Mike! I'm amazed at how many people are following and responding to this build of an out-dated model It's pre-laser cut. I don't have to worry about char, at least, but I do have to cut out everything with either a knife or a scroll saw. Even the gun ports! Old school can be tedious.
I agree, Donnie. I’ve heard of some marvelous kits of that time. I tried a solid hull kit about 30 years ago, pre Dremel and power sander. After about 30 hours of sanding the hull, I gave up on it. Twenty years ago, I tried a Bounty that had two half-hulls that you were supposed to glue together after forming them. They didn’t fit. I must have done something wrong. I felt like Jeremy Clarkson trying his hand at farming in Clarkson Farm on Amazon Prime.
Thirty years ago, I only saw plastic and fifty-five years ago I saw only the same. I Thought only museum people had access to wood modeling kits, otherwise I would have a much wider range of the complexity of these magnificent vessels. Is the ship "Kronan" available for a build? Gotta love those Swed"s.
Thirty years ago, I only saw plastic and fifty-five years ago I saw only the same. I Thought only museum people had access to wood modeling kits, otherwise I would have a much wider range of the complexity of these magnificent vessels. Is the ship "Kronan" available for a build? Gotta love those Swed"s.
Have you looked it up on the internet? I know the Vasa is available in several companies.
That's what I tried first, Jeff. It didn't work well. So now I outline the cut with a knife and follow up with a small chisel. Then I cleaned up with the knife. That seems to work better. The holes didn't help.
That's what I tried first, Jeff. It didn't work well. So now I outline the cut with a knife and follow up with a small chisel. Then I cleaned up with the knife. That seems to work better. The holes didn't help.
Just checking that we are talking the same technique - Here's some photos of what I was thinking. It took me about 2 minutes to drill, cut and cleanup in 1/16"
basswood. I didn't do a very good job of drilling especially in the corners.
