Vasa - 1:65 DeAgostini [COMPLETED BUILD]

Ha Maarten! You can’t die poor if you don’t spend it all while you are still alive.

For you Maarten and Grant…taken live from our table alongside the old port of Dubrovnik:

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Take the time to experience the world dear friends. It’s all out there waiting.
Looks great, we are there in October can't wait. Hope you having great time
WOW! That’s almost two pages of birthday wishes! You guys are the best!

This current vacation was originally intended to celebrate our 35th anniversary. We have now been married more than 37 years ROTF. I trust I don’t need to explain…

As it turns out I was able to celebrate my special day in Sorrento:


But more important than where is who I got to spend it with. This sweet girl puts up with a lot sharing life with me. I am truly blessed.


Thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes. Maybe this build log will return to its original purpose one day soon. But for now - a bit more exploring…
Hello everyone! My name is Paul and I have been thinking about building the Vasa for a really, really long time. It would seem the time has finally come!

There are plenty of logs out there for the Swedish warship Vasa. So why another one?

Two reasons: 1) I need help! I basically have no experience with this sort of thing. But, I have read lots of build logs on various forums and, as a general rule, the participants are genuine and helpful. I have found this oddly encouraging – maybe with help I could actually get this thing done?

Which brings me to my related second reason: 2) the vast majority of build logs are posted by skilled and accomplished builders (rightly so – putting your stuff out there for others to see should be inspirational rather than tragic). But those same experienced artists know what they know and often do things without even thinking about it. Which also means they don’t struggle (at least anymore) with things that a novice will struggle with. Perhaps a log posted by someone less experienced will help others who are likewise less experienced (or, at least, give everyone something to laugh about).

I’m not sure this build log will gain any traction, but I’ll give it a shot and see if anyone shows up. I should mention that I still work for a living so progress might be slow. But I’m willing to put in the time to do this thing right so I would welcome anyone with an interest to pull up a chair and see me through this build.
Hallo Paul alias @dockattner
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY