Hardness of not the problem with oak. Walnut is also hard. Oak has a very open grain. The grain is too large to represent wood well on a model because it is far out of scale. It would look very coarse on a model and fine grained woods are a better choice. That is not to say that it was not ever used on models. Red oak is the worst because there are veins of very course wood which are so course that they appear like micro-straws to the eye. Below you can see the grain. I have milled cannon carriages and parrel parts from red oak, and these veins have cause the parts to easily break. Better to use cherry or maple for small parts. The grain appears too large appearance wise for hull planking also.Thank you Heinrich. Walnut is special, I made a tv stand out of years ago and found out then depth of its beauty. I'm somewhat curious about oak as a model material. It is probably difficult to work with because of its hardness. If you know of someone on this forum who has used it in their log I would be interested to know.
end grain shows the pores from the course veins