Hallo @Daniel20It's my pleasure to introduce my version of the famous Swedish VASA warship. I invite all to join in on this my second major build. My wife's mother was from Sweden and her dad was from Denmark. A few years ago she had the opportunity to visit relatives in Sweden and visited the VASA museum . So she insisted that this ship be my next build. I had intended to take a longer break from ship building (see HMS Fly) however I kept finding myself slowly unpacking and looking /working well you know building on it, so my break lasted all of 10 days. I'll start with unpacking the box and go from there
I had purchased several after market parts sheeve blocks, deck grating. I'll be buying aftermarket rope line as well.
I know all the external figures are plastic which I'm not too happy about but I will be painting them so should not diminish from the end product.
Hope you all enjoy the introduction and following this will be laying of the keel.
Happy modeling!!
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Enjoy your special day