Good morning all, it's been a month since I posted my last update. Hard to believe that much time has passed but wanted to let you know I am still working on the Vasa slowly but surely. This update focuses on the Foresail, Foretopsail, and Fore Topgallant installation. Once again, I used a combination of the Billings plans and the Vasa museum's own plans, this combination simply works best for me. I struggled a little trying to show a slight billowing in the sails and came up with putting a small diameter floral stem wire into the bottom seam of each sail putting a slight bow or bend to hold the sails shape. I'm very pleased with the result. I had experimented with spray starch and just plain water but found I could not control the extreme wrinkling that occurred while the cloth was damp. I have two sails left now on the bow sprit then all the faux canons and rope hanks, so the finish line is in sight. I hope you all enjoy.

Thanks for checking in and am looking forward to all your comments, suggestions, or critiques.

Thanks for checking in and am looking forward to all your comments, suggestions, or critiques.