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We have received the official news yesterday from Headquarters that my teaching centre in Nantong will close on the 30th of November.
Heel veel sterkte, Heinrich, in deze voor jou en je Admiraal zo onzekere tijden.
I hope you find employment soon, either as a full-time online teacher, or in a more conventional setting ánd, in case you have to move, for a 100% survival rate for your models.
@RDN1954 Vele dank vir de mooi woorde en wense Johan. Yes, I have not even mentioned the Admiral as that is really a moot point. She has a very senior position with the Nantong government so any relocation for her is out of the question.
Hello Dear Friends

We have received the official news yesterday from Headquarters that my teaching centre in Nantong will close on the 30th of November. And believe it or not, but that also does have an implication on my shipbuilding. The logic is simple - if I am forced to move that puts me in a huge quandary with regards to my models. I do not have only my historic Haarlem, Sampan and Leudo to move but also my Bowman steamboat, my 1900 Carette electric speedboat and then my big concern - my 44-inch long Seaducer RC monohull on its racing stand. Sigh ... :( And just to compound matters even more, I have another two brand new models on the way.

So what does a hard-headed South African do when the going gets difficult? He makes gunports!

View attachment 259853

Starboard side gunports completed. There are still some clean-ups and touch-ups that have to take place, but this is fresh from the oven!

View attachment 259854

View attachment 259855

And to those who maintain that a double-planked hull yields better results - really???

This little exercise now has to be repeated on the port side, of course. Thank you so much to all of you for following, watching and commenting on this build. It is absolutely wonderful to get this amazing support from you all. I want to assure you that I am now even more committed to my model building than ever. In fact, the movie on De Ruyter has also got me thinking long and hard about the mighty 7P.

Take care my friends, look after your family and loved ones and cherish every single moment that you get to spend with them as well as your time in the shipyard.
Your closing admonition is most heartfelt and received. Thank you for whom you are. Rich
@RDN1954 Vele dank vir de mooi woorde en wense Johan. Yes, I have not even mentioned the Admiral as that is really a moot point. She has a very senior position with the Nantong government so any relocation for her is out of the question.
Geen dank, is een kleine moeite. Er is niet veel méér wat ik kan doen om jouw een hart onder de riem te steken...
So essentially your best bet would be an online tutoring position...
Hello Dear Friends

We have received the official news yesterday from Headquarters that my teaching centre in Nantong will close on the 30th of November. And believe it or not, but that also does have an implication on my shipbuilding. The logic is simple - if I am forced to move that puts me in a huge quandary with regards to my models. I do not have only my historic Haarlem, Sampan and Leudo to move but also my Bowman steamboat, my 1900 Carette electric speedboat and then my big concern - my 44-inch long Seaducer RC monohull on its racing stand. Sigh ... :( And just to compound matters even more, I have another two brand new models on the way.

So what does a hard-headed South African do when the going gets difficult? He makes gunports!

View attachment 259853

Starboard side gunports completed. There are still some clean-ups and touch-ups that have to take place, but this is fresh from the oven!

View attachment 259854

View attachment 259855

And to those who maintain that a double-planked hull yields better results - really???

This little exercise now has to be repeated on the port side, of course. Thank you so much to all of you for following, watching and commenting on this build. It is absolutely wonderful to get this amazing support from you all. I want to assure you that I am now even more committed to my model building than ever. In fact, the movie on De Ruyter has also got me thinking long and hard about the mighty 7P.

Take care my friends, look after your family and loved ones and cherish every single moment that you get to spend with them as well as your time in the shipyard.
Hi Henrich,
This is terrible news my friend, I truly hope you are able to teach remotely and won't have to move.
The world is truly a strange place at present.

Lovely work on your build.
Keep your powder dry and batten down.
Stay safe.

@Stevedownunder Thank you so much for the kind words Stephen. The world is indeed a strange place my friend. I had earlier said to Jan (Pathfinder65) that I have been in situations like these before, but I was honestly not anticipating it to happen again at this stage of my life!

Rest assured though, I will try everything I in my power to salvage what I can. My interpretation of battening down is to open up the gunports! ;)
Hi Heinrich,

Sorry to hear about your teaching position and hope you will find a suitable replacement in your area soon. You would expect in the Nantong area there will be plenty work for English teachers and with more then 1 billion Chinees I can t imagine you will ne out of work for long.
What about a position of translating manuals for Chinese model companies, in general their English translations are horrible.

Btw your Haarlem is beautiful.
@Stevedownunder Thank you so much for the kind words Stephen. The world is indeed a strange place my friend. I had earlier said to Jan (Pathfinder65) that I have been in situations like these before, but I was honestly not anticipating it to happen again at this stage of my life!

Rest assured though, I will try everything I in my power to salvage what I can. My interpretation of battening down is to open up the gunports! ;)
Maybe make the first broadside double shotted. ;)
@Maarten Thank you for the well-wishes Maarten and for the kind words on the Haarlem.

Yes, the situation is actually ironical. Nantong is the supposed center of education in Nantong so you would think that teaching positions should abound here. But ... as with so many things in life ... it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole crop. That is exactly what has happened here. Too many institutions with unlicensed teachers or "teachers" whose only qualification is the fact that they can speak English, has spoilt everything for the rest of us. This has led to a government clampdown where they restrict the type of classes that can be taught - no longer making these type of centers financially viable.

As to your suggestion as to the translations of instruction manuals - it certainly is a good idea. But to tell you the truth, they are only interested in one thing. Volunteering to do the translations for them free of charge is fine, expecting them to pay for it - another! :D
I am so sorry to hear that your position as teacher is at risk Heinrich, my friend, i really hope that you will be able to find a new and suitable replacement for it.
I wish you the best of luck finding this

Greetings Peter
My dearest friend, thank you so much for the kind words. Ik gaan mij echter niet laat onderkrij hierdoor. Ik vecht voort!
Hello Heinrich,

That must be difficult news for you and your wife to absorb and worry about. Life throws us those dreaded curve balls sometimes and waiting out the unknown is never easy. After following your well written educational posts I have no doubt you would excel at on-line teaching, if that becomes an option.

In the meantime know that you have a large supportive following, who all have their collective fingers crossed that things will turn out well for you both.
@RogerD Dear Roger thank you so much for the wonderful support! I am forever blessed and thankful for the support that I have been receiving from all my friends on SOS. It has been truly heartwarming and humbling at the same time. Knowing that there are so many very dear friends who care, makes dealing with the uncertainties and curveballs so much more bearable.