YQ Bluenose by Johan [COMPLETED BUILD]

Looking through the Saga again and reading through some of the posts from my fellow builders, I couldn't help myself; I want to introduce the "real" floor of the focsle.
What do you think?

View attachment 305992
With the sketches / drawings in The Saga of ‘the Original’, you and Lawrence @Canoe21 are free to show:
Give room to AL-FI and remember: (almost ;)) nothing is wrong.
Regards, Peter
Currently working on some things completely different. ;)
In the meantime hardly following the building instructions and having lots of fun doing so.
One thing though, it's near impossible to follow the Saga, but that's something we already knew.
I'll keep you posted...
When I read these two quotes, isn't that a Contradictio in terminis?
I still agree with both though; having known in advance the challenges I would encounter with this build, I wouldn't have considered even buying the kit, let alone start building it. To a large extend I was lured into it by the effortlessnes with which other builders seemed to go through their builds, give or take a few minor hickups.
Now, having faced more headaches than I bargained for, I find playing around with ideas, paging through the Saga, searching for more information, studying other builds, planning, building something, not being happy with it and doing it again until happy with the result, utterly satisfying.
Has my build met the quality standard I would like to see? No, not by far, but when looking from a distance, say about 2 miles, all the parts coming together make it look distantly related to the Bluenose.
In all, I have fun with this build, a lot more than I anticipated.
"Whatever. Its good enough" and then every time I walk past the ship my eye is drawn to the mistake like a heat-seeking missile.
Ha ha, I enjoyed that one Paul ROTF My litmus test is based on a similar self-preservation principle that a pass mark of about 80 percent is acceptable. This is not unlike the way in which I approach my horticultural effort in the garden, although the admiral has an entirely different appraisal system and I am invariably well short of the mark. Of course, if you know you've made a mistake and are wrestling with your conscience for some inner peace, it probably is better to just break it down and start again :confused:
- Mark
My litmus test is based on a similar self-preservation principle that a pass mark of about 80 percent is acceptable. This is not unlike the way in which I approach my horticultural effort in the garden, although the admiral has an entirely different appraisal system and I am invariably well short of the mark.
And that proves men are from Mars and women from Venus...
I gave up years ago to try and meet the Admiral's standards: unattainable by us mortal men.
And that proves men are from Mars and women from Venus...
I gave up years ago to try and meet the Admiral's standards: unattainable by us mortal men.
Amen to that. This morning I was mopping floors - brand new tiles - and I thought I was doing a fine job, even eyeing it against the incoming sunlight to make sure there are no spots. In walks the Admiral and in the softest, nicest tone tell me there are still plenty of marks and spots left. Next thing is on the floor with a cloth and an old knife. Twenty minutes later I got told "This is how it should look like."
Amen to that. This morning I was mopping floors - brand new tiles - and I thought I was doing a fine job, even eyeing it against the incoming sunlight to make sure there are no spots. In walks the Admiral and in the softest, nicest tone tell me there are still plenty of marks and spots left. Next thing is on the floor with a cloth and an old knife. Twenty minutes later I got told "This is how it should look like."
Het feest der herkenning (the festival of recognition).
And that proves men are from Mars and women from Venus...
I gave up years ago to try and meet the Admiral's standards: unattainable by us mortal men.
Amen to that. This morning I was mopping floors - brand new tiles - and I thought I was doing a fine job, even eyeing it against the incoming sunlight to make sure there are no spots. In walks the Admiral and in the softest, nicest tone tell me there are still plenty of marks and spots left. Next thing is on the floor with a cloth and an old knife. Twenty minutes later I got told "This is how it should look like."
I believe I already posted the link to the 'Men's brains and Womin's brains' / 'The Nothing Box' by Mark Gungor?
That explains everything…… ROTF
The last couple of days I have been working on nothing related to YQ's building instructions, but instead found myself following some examples, set by fellow builders. As I mentioned, I also paged through the "Saga" and after tossing around some ideas, I lowered the floorsupports in the focsle, simultaneously lowering the bracket for the bowsprit support, added floorsupports for the aft cabin and put in the floors (partial) for those three compartments. Also added is the ceiling on the left side of the hull.
Work on these items is not yet complete, but worth showing.
Also installed is the first ledlight, with a big thanks to @Henk Liebre, in the compartment below the aft cabin. Now it's getting close to start work on the upper decks floorbeams.

Here's first light in the compartment below the aft cabin:


A view looking forward, with all three floors partially installed. Some finishing touches are still required.
Sanding, applying finish, touch-ups... In all, I'm pretty happy with how she looks right now.

The last couple of days I have been working on nothing related to YQ's building instructions, but instead found myself following some examples, set by fellow builders. As I mentioned, I also paged through the "Saga" and after tossing around some ideas, I lowered the floorsupports in the focsle, simultaneously lowering the bracket for the bowsprit support, added floorsupports for the aft cabin and put in the floors (partial) for those three compartments. Also added is the ceiling on the left side of the hull.
Work on these items is not yet complete, but worth showing.
Also installed is the first ledlight, with a big thanks to @Henk Liebre, in the compartment below the aft cabin. Now it's getting close to start work on the upper decks floorbeams.

Here's first light in the compartment below the aft cabin:

View attachment 307310

A view looking forward, with all three floors partially installed. Some finishing touches are still required.
Sanding, applying finish, touch-ups... In all, I'm pretty happy with how she looks right now.

View attachment 307313
That is looking very nice, Johan. Your investment in time is now paying off.
Regards, Peter
Here some better pictures, I hope, of the light in the compartment beneath the aft cabin.
The strange thing is that it is a white led light, but the pictures show it to be green... :rolleyes:

View looking aft, from the fishhold's deck

View looking down, right of center
Oké, confession time.
Remember I went AL-FI on the focsle arrangement? I moved the block, holding the bowsprit post down, attaching it to the keel, instead of to the original YQ focsle structure. Checked the drawings, multiple times, counted the frames, again and again. But... the floorbeam, with a cut-out, accommodating the bowsprit post, didn't sit nicely against frame 8. Back to the drawing again. Still coming to the conclusion that the beam with the cut-out should be sitting against frame 8.
That went into the build. And now with the below deck floors nearly complete, I decided to check again and... now I think that bowsprit post block should be moved one frame forward...Sick:eek:

The arrow indicates the hole for the post at frame 7. My current position is that it should be moved one frame forward.
I royally messed up this one.