YQ Bluenose Ted R (COM PLETED)

Easiest way to measure thread size I have been told is to tightly wrap 10 winds around a card or dowel, and them take measurement and divide by 10. Much more accurate that trying to squeeze on strand for size.
Thank you @Kurt Konrath . That trick, I will remember. I was having trouble determining the for size because I didn't know how much pressure to put on the calipers.
I found a CalderCraft HMS Jalouse for sale on this site.
Do you guys think that this is within my capabilities.
Happy modeling
I'm just starting ratlines on my galleon. I am not sure this thread I am using is what I want or even prefer. I may remove these two lines and use a thinner thread.View attachment 489008View attachment 489010
I don't know the thick you are using but I used Gutterman thread on mine.
See attached
Btw I trimmed them with a Milwaukee flush cutter from Home Depot for $12.00
It works great.
Best regards
I tried to drill the end of the crosstree to install an eyebolt for the center stay but the end of the rounded snag preventer was close to the end of the tree and didn't allow any dept for glueing the deadbolt.
I glued the deadbolts to the underside of the trees and will paint them White to disguise them
Best regards
Ted IMG20241209063203.jpg
Remember, thread sizes are also dependent on scale. The thread you might use for ratlines on a ship of 1/97 scale wouldn't be the same as the thread for a ratline on a ship that is 1/48 scale. Hope this makes sense.....
I get that, just showing what I used
I'm ready to make a tool to locate the upper deadeyes while securing the stays.
It appears I I need to building a little extra space between the deadeyes to allow for the stretching of the stays.
How much extra space should I use?
Happy modeling
This is the tool I've made.
I intend to stretch the back stay, glue one side with PCA and then remove the tool and tie off
Best regards IMG20241214180840.jpg
Hello Ted,

I read your posts from the past

If I follow you, it seems like you want to start with the shrouds, but maybe I'm wrong.

I would advise you to follow the plans.

On page 8-5, the lines are shown to get the masts in a stable position, I would do that first.

Johan also explained this in his post what the reason is for this

# 1136

Rigging is also new to me and I encountered many unknown things.

What I did to make it my own:

I read all the posts from fellow builders several times and tried to understand how they did this and in what order and why.

A good source is:

It also (I think) clearly explains how you can make the shrouds.confirm

There are more lines shown there than the YQ plans but it does give a good idea of the rigging

It is explained in several sources that rigging the BN is not easy, which I agree with

I have a lot of respect for your perseverance, and not everyone shows their mistakes on the forum and you do

There is a Dutch saying::”Waar een wil is een weg”

Where there is a will there is a way

(Translated) If you if you want to achieve something there is a way to achieve it

Happy holidays Ted
