Ted, let me know what post/s # (upper right corner of each post) and what you want me to do with those
Before I can continue with the construction on top of the lower masts, I first had to make the mast hoops. The main- and top sails are attached to this and thus slide up and down over the masts.
Here's the example in the old photo and the specification drawing in Howard Chapell's book:
View attachment 326436
Here you are looking at the reefed main sail behind the main mast. (There is a good chance that it will also appear on my BN. ;))

The kit does not provide these hoops and in terms of desired size I think I can find them somewhere. So got started myself. With the following steps:
View attachment 326437
1: Selected a nice brown color from my Admiral's scrap-book paper collection. Cut strips of about a mm there.
2: Select a pen with the right diameter. Chapelle writes that the 'hoops' are about a quarter larger than the diameter of the mast. My main boom is 7.6 mm at the bottom. The pin is 9.3mm. So look for other pins for the foremast and upper masts.
Strips cut to length so they can go 3x around the pen.
Secure the first contact point of the 1st round with glue.
3: Always apply a piece of glue and start rolling.
4: Because I glue with wood glue (PVA), the glue remains flexible for a while and I can place the rows nicely on top of each other with a pin set.
5: The end between the points of the picet so that I can clamp it flat in the rest to get a round hoop.

Then this will be the result:
View attachment 326438
According to L.B. Jenson in The Saga has 36 on the mainmasts, so 18 each. On the uppermasts 24, so 12 each.
He draws fewer in his drawings. But Chapelle writes, "Two or three spare hoops are carried on each mast at the boom.
I have something to do .........
Regards, Peter
Thank you Peter.
I changed over to some lime wood as it is less brittle.
My technique is inconsistent. Probably will be like every thing else and I will get goo at it when I am done. I will make a bunch and pick the best to sand and stain.
Best regards
Ted IMG20240929175441.jpg