I wonder if others have had the same problem I am presently faced with while building the Le Soleil Royal. It's Maddening! It deals with the items
which make up part 69 (also referred to as item 68 elsewhere [?]): the three glued-together items in the shape of a 3-sided box, with a hole through the "top" piece for the mounting of the canons. These little assemblies get glued behind the port holes. Now for the problem-->It concerns the gluing of 4 of these little gems to the inside of part number 51, namely, the vertical 2mm piece glued onto the bow end which covers the upper half of frame 1. There are 4 square holes in it, behind which these little assemblies get glued. In order to "hope" this will work, one ,must glue them on vertically. The maddening problem is that I glued them over far enough to miss frame 1--but their bottoms collide with the bow ends of part numbers 25 and 25-1!! So I modified the 2 bottom assemblies by removing the bottom members and even sawed off some of the front faces just below the hole. It still will not fit--so now what? I have only 1 idea which seems promising. I'll remove these 2 modified bottom assemblies, rotate them 90 degrees (one cw, one ccw), and glue them between the square canon openings and the tall vertical openings next to them. For the life of me I can't figure out any other way to do it; this idea came to me as I was ranting to you just now about my problem. Whether or not it works, I'll get back to you and let you know. Ta-ta for now.
Andy from Kenosha