Thanks guys for all the comments, but I got a confession to make, in my eagerness to start and finish the boat I made stuff up, I attached the rails to the opposite sides to which they were meant to go, it was not till I had the rails firmly glued in place that I realized it, I will explain with the pics below.

Ironically when working out the positioning for the rails I had them on the right sides, this pic shows how the port rail should fit, note the oar position just above my thumb to the very left of the pic, all I can think is that when I was steaming them in the coffee pot that I use, I have taken the starboard rail out of the pot and bent and glued it to the port side by mistake and then done the same with the other rail.

This is how it ended up being glued, the very first oar position to the very left of the boat should approx half way
between where it is and the ships bow.

Now the easiest way to solve this problem will be to fill in the position marked X and cut another position marked Z
opposite Y, and hopefully it will be OK, I have to do some measuring etc to make sure all the seats in the boat will fit in with it OK, if not then I will have to try and remove the rails, which I really do not want to attempt.
My Dad used to say that old saying measure twice and cut once, which I did and then went and glued them in the wrong positions,