Hi Folks,
I have finished my scratch build of the Zulu's steering and I am quite pleased with the outcome, for sure it looks better than a box with a steering wheel poking out. Like I hope to do with the rest of the boat I have tried to add a bit of weathering. It looks a bit over the top in these photographs (macro), but when seen with the naked eye it all blends in quite nicely. I think if you where to make a working trawler as dirty as they really are no one would believe you. When I was still at school I worked two summers on a drifter harboured in Peel on the IOM. Being just a pup I got all the cleaning jobs but you could never get her clean, you had to take a spade to the herring scales that dried as if super glued to the deck! The boat was called the 'Mary Ann', she was smaller than a Zulu at fifty odd feet and driven by a big Perkins marine diesel. She was owned and skippered by an uncle of mine and was loved and well looked after but rust never sleeps, wire brush and paint the only answer. Anyway I will try not to over do it with the weathering.
Here are some pics. of my progress.
View attachment 340346View attachment 340347View attachment 340348View attachment 340349View attachment 340351View attachment 340352View attachment 340353 I don't know the reason for the big chopping block behind the wheel although most /, maybe all, Zulus have it, The guides for the steering rods are attached to it, but it seems a bit extreme if it is only there for that, any guesses ?
View attachment 340354View attachment 340355View attachment 340356View attachment 340357View attachment 340358View attachment 340359
I made the little roller fairlead from scrap brass and 1mm dia box.
View attachment 340360 Next job will be making and fitting the rear spar that supports the mizzen lug sail it attaches to the port side of the stern and the top of the 'poop deck'. Cheers JJ..