cross section

  1. Alex R

    CAF 1:48 HMS Granado cross Section

    NEW BUILD LOG OF CAF'S 1:48 SECTION OF HMS GRANADO The Rosas Houston Shipyard is currently on the last stages of three ships: CAF1:48 HMS Enterprize, La Coureur, and Trident's 1:48 HMS Alert. The shipyard started operations in December 2019, and has been building intermittently (sometimes not...
  2. Rob444

    Constitution Cross Section MS20245 Model Expo

    I am starting a build log on the USS Constitution Cross Section. I bought this about a year ago when Model Expo had a sale, but I knew from downloading and reviewing the instructions that I needed to so some simpler kits first. After gaining some experience I decided to try to tackle this. As...
  3. martijnonderwater

    H.M.S. Victory cross section by Corel [COMPLETED BUILD]

    My next project will be finishing a cross section of the H.M.S. Victory, from a kit by Corel. I bought it semi-finished online, and there is not much to do in order to get her finished. Unless I decide to improvise somewhere down the line. Let's see what happens :-)
  4. B

    Bonhomme Richard - Pear Cross section kit (with scratch duplicate using alder) Unicorn Model

    DHL delivery from China Today!!! I'll post a few pictures from the unboxing below. Next post, I'll discuss my thoughts on making a duplicate with a bunch of Alder I have from a recent project. First impressions: 1. Kit arrived via DHL in Eight days! It was well packed and looked pristine...
  5. Daimler

    Сечение Le Gros Ventre - section [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Доброго времени суток! Я новичок в парусном судомоделизме, но люблю работать с деревом. Решил попробовать сделать модель сечения. Материал: вишня, черный граб, немного груши. Ошибок много, но я всего лишь учусь. Не судите строго))) Масштаб произвольный. Чертежи нашел в интернете. Выбрал Gros...
  6. J

    Artesania Latina HMS Victory Cross Section

    I got the cross-section for Christmas from my wife. I figured I’d be a good intermediary build while doing the San Bartolome. Looks like a nice simple kit with plenty of detail. Not really sure how I like the instructions being on YouTube but I have been taking screenshots and printing certain...
  7. pingu57

    Cross-section of a 17th-century Pinas by Peter

    This cross-section is the latest kit in the Kolderstok series, and it was developed and build by Matthias Noback. It contains a very good building instruction , and there is no plywood used at all, it is build of Basswood except for the masts. The kit is developed according to the book written...
  8. Paul132

    IAMI Wasa Cross Section

    so...came across this kit for sale on a community sale board. 75.00, all parts seem to be here. Has anyone heard of this Japanese Kit Maker? All Directions are in Japanese? Will begin soon.....
  9. Yuri

    Yuri's USS Bonhomme Richard - POF - Cross Section in Pear - 1:48

    Hello folks, I'm back with the new log build of USS Bonhomme Richard - POF from "Unicorn Model". My progress will be slow, it is my second ship model. I'm a bit "green" with ship construction and experience, technics. I would like to thank this forum for great posts and logs. Following...
  10. Jeff T

    USS Constitution Cross Section - Model Shipways MS20245 - 1:76 - by JeffT [COMPLETED BUILD]

    This new build is of the Model Shipways USS Constitution Cross Section (MS2045) at 1:76 (Actually the scale is 1:76.8 or 5/32" = 1'). The finished model is 4"x6"x32". I chose this kit for several reasons: 1) It is a nice kit and I like cross sections; 2) The Constitution cross section is a...
  11. Dubz Modelling World

    Bomb Vessel Granado Cross Section, Scale 1:72, POF Kit by Miniature Arts

    Bomb Vessel Granado Cross Section, Scale 1:72, POF Kit by "Miniature Arts" Description HMS Granado was launched at Harwich in 1742, during the War of the Austrian Succession as a sloop-of-war. During this war she captured a French privateer. During the Seven Years' War she served both as a...
  12. Adry

    San Francisco cross section, by Adry

    Hello partners In January of this year, they gave me the KIT of the cross section of the San Francisco galleon from Artesanía Latina. In February I started working with him and, given the doubts that arose, I began to investigate how to do it, looking at some work on social networks, until I...
  13. U

    HMS Victory - Corel - Cross section

    I guess little late starting a build,log is better than not starting at all. This kit is a challenge as it is mostly inaccurate as a representation of the midsection of the HMS VICTORY. That is part of the fun and challenge to take basically a shell and make something more true to the...
  14. Dubz Modelling World

    Kit review Bomb Vessel Granado Cross Section, Scale 1:72, POF Kit, Pearwood Version

    Bomb Vessel Granado Cross Section, Scale 1:72, POF Kit, Pearwood Version by "Miniature Arts - Shipmodel Kits" Company: Miniature Arts - Shipmodel Kits Retail Price: $165.00 incl. shipping Available here...
  15. zoly99sask

    Hms Granado 1:72 - Cross Section by Miniature Arts

    Hello guys A little new project I started last weekend, The Jig
  16. L

    Granado section - CAF Models

    Good Day All After reading some trully great posts here from Uwek and Stan167, just wanted to share my work on the CAF Granado section. Some minor mistakes in the kit, already mentioned by previous builds. Had to disasemble and remake no 14 due to a xerox bad misalignment. So far pretty...
  17. rlwhitt

    USS Constitution Cross-Section 1797 - 1:76 - Model Shipways by rlwhitt [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hi folks! I have just started posting here and am already in-progress on the Model Shipways Constitution Cross Section, kit MS2045. In looking around I see that there are a couple of Mamoli cross section build threads, but none for the MS. So even though I've started already I haven't really...
  18. Andris

    HMS Sussex Crosssection 1: 48

    Length: 170 mm Width: 230 mm Height: 270 mm
  19. Zzyzx01

    USS Constitution X-Section, 1:93 Scale, Mamoli (1982)

    I've been lurking on the SoS forum for quite a while getting inspiration and a lot of good info. I finally have a small work area to re-start my project (after 35+ years of it sitting in a storage box.) Remarkably, it survived with a wee bit of damage. I just completed the standing rigging...
  20. The Sailor Trinidad Cross Section 1/90 - Ocio Creativo - by Piero

    This new project is coming ... Let me finish the YQ Bluenose first ... then I'll begin it!