
  1. smonsma

    HMS Surprise 1:48 (DeAgostini/AL)

    hi all, I've been working on this project for a number of years now, and have maybe 10% more to go- but I thought I would try to collect the photos from along the way into a build log here. Hopefully to get the inspiration to finish the job, and get her into a nice case/display. Originally...
  2. E

    Hms Victory by D'Agostini

    Just read it's never too late to start a build log, so 6 1/2 years late, tho' not prolific in picture taking, I thought I'd put up a few pictures I have. It's really a poor quality kit, bought because you could get it on subscription. Big mistake, should've waited the year & bought the...
  3. Meonscale

    Building "VASA" (1628) a Dutch designed ship built in Sweden: now again in The Netherlands....

    Hi guys, I found out about this site when the built of this d'Augustini wooden scale model kit was already underway. Never ever have I built a wooden ship in my life! Let alone this beauty of a ship. We will see where it all ends. Hopefully in a presentable show case! On SOS some remarks are...
  4. A


    Hello, just started to build this amazing vessel in scale 1:70. DeA's kit is very well done, qualitiy materials and decorations, but it is a kit and this time I want to go beyond and build a model that when I'll look at it I can say I couldn't make it better than that. Some pics of deks not yet...
  5. G

    Build Log - Sovereign of the Seas - DeAgostini Customised

    Unfortunately i have joined after completing some of the build, i completed the hull build using the kit materials (yes the horrible bamboo), I then discovered the Sovereign of the Seas 1637 book by John Mckay and misguidedly decided to make alterations to the kit, believing it to be more...
  6. AiDi

    Soleil Royal, DeAgostini kit by AiDi

    Hi everyone in my first building log! :) At the moment I'm working on DeAgostini Soleil Royal kit and OcCres Golden Hind - I guess I will start another thread on that one in the future. I started my work at the end of 2019. I had an idea to do the interiors, but unfortunately the design flaws...
  7. T

    Tom's HMS Victory build 1:84 DeAgostini

    Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself. I’m Tom based in Manchester, UK. I’ve been modelling since I was teenager. I have started with plastic models of aircrafts as it was quite easy one. Then I moved to paper models – this gave me a chance to really work on the details and creativity. I’ve...
  8. Alexander74

    Model VICTORY by Deagostini, scale 1/84

    I am starting a new project. The same customer provided me with a job again. This will be the VICTORI model by Deagostini magazines. The project is long-term, therefore, for a long time. I will try to make a decent model out of it. So, let's begin.

    HMS Sovereign of the Seas - Bashing DeAgostini Beyond Believable Boundaries

    HMS Sovereign of the Seas - Bashing DeAgostini Beyond Believable Boundaries - by DARIVS ARCHITECTVS Well, I just finished La Couronne and its display case a few hours ago, and swore that I would take a break before starting another project. That didn't happen. On to Ship #2. Research on...
  10. dockattner

    Vasa - 1:65 DeAgostini [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Editorial note added following the completion of this build: This build report is crazy long - unhelpfully so. If you're not interested in all the details and just want to see how it all turned out use this link to see the final result: Final Images. If that sparks your interest and you want to...
  11. John builds

    HMS VICTORY - My YouTube channel

    Hi all, I started building HMS Victory back in March of last year, one month into the build I started posting updates on YouTube, but over the last 6months it’s turned into a build log, I will post a link to my channel if anybody would like the check out my build...

    Kit Review "Twelve Apostles 1847" Deagostini Partwork 1/100

    Hi All The Twelve Apostles was a 120 gun Russian ship of the line launched in 1847.I will not delve into her history,that will be covered when I eventually start a build log.This is being put in the stash for the foreseeable as I have plenty of current projects on the go. I have recently...
  13. Le Capitaine

    DeAgaostini/AL HMS Surprise

    My attempt of HMS Surprise. Work on it when I get frustrated on the Soleil Royal. Got at the summer clearance, price too good to pass up.
  14. dantist sovereign

    Солей Рояль - Soleil Royal

    Здравствуйте уважаемые коллеги! Я решил поделиться с вами, уважаемыми коллегами по увлечению. Возможно, это будет интересно и полезно. google translation: Dear colleagues! I decided to share with you, dear fellow hobbyists. Perhaps it will be interesting and useful.
  15. oldstampman

    Victory Cross Section - Deagostini

    Hi: I am just getting started in building wood ships now that I have retired and finally setup the workshop I've always wanted to have. My first foray is the Deagostini Victory cross section. I have see several builds on the internet and it struck me as one I would like to try. I will...
  16. P

    D’Agostini build HMS Victory

    I would like to introduce my longest build I got the first magazine some thirteen years ago and I had the last one about ten years ago it's nearly done I just have ten magazines to go I have finished off the lower ratlines and just the upper ones to finish off before attempting some 4500 copper...
  17. jack.aubrey

    Santìsima Trinidad (Cross Section) by Jack.Aubrey - De Agostini Partwork- Scale 1:90

    On May 3, 2009 I officially started to build the Santìsima Trinidad's Cross Section. It is the second part of the De Agostini partwork made up of 160 weekly issues in which you build A) the entire model and later B) the Cross Section. It seemed me quite simple to build and I thought to...
  18. jack.aubrey

    Le Soleil Royal, vaisseau de 104 - De Agostini - by Jack Aubrey

    De Agostini Soleil Royal This ship is a model kit that was supplied, on the Italian market, by De Agostini starting from the beginning of 2010 and lasting after 140 weeks . . . Each issue contains some pieces to build the model, while the booklet contains two different sections: the most...

    Sovereign of the Seas-Deagostini Partwork-1/84 TOTALLY Reworked

    Hello Everyone Firstly,a few of the longer standing members will remember this log before the crash.Unfortuneately my images were lost when my laptop harddrive fried so I was unable to repair the log. I am going to attempt to present a sequence of pictures that show the best I can,the progress...
  20. Galley Slave

    HMS Victory cross section (De'Agostini)

    I thought I would like to share with you guys my very first attempt at doing a wooden model - well any model really. I have been at it for the last three weeks, and am really enjoying it. There have been a few mishaps along the way. I glued the 8th frame in the wrong way round and a few of the...