
  1. D

    HMS Victory - Occre #407/999

    I have started to view other individuals thoughts and progress on their HMS Victory Occre build and have gain considerable insight into different build ideas. I purchased my kit from Model Expo at a considerable discount as compared to having purchased through Occre. Kit arrived at my doorstep...
  2. A

    Artesania Latina Anatomy of Lord Nelson’s HMS Victory 1805

    Just started this kit and from the video instructions I’ve seen It looks a very detailed build As the construction videos are on their website I won’t be doing a build log as such but will post progress pics probably at the end of each construction video completion
  3. Crypton

    HMS Victory Occre 225 - build log

    After finishing my previous build, the xebec from ZHL models, I almost could not wait to start my new challenge. This time, I have chosen for the HMS Victory from Occre (number 225). Although, I have seen many discussions on this kit on it's lack of accuracy and 'better' alternatives, the main...
  4. Kenny G


    Hello Everyone, This is my first ever attempt at a Build Log, so please help and advise on what I should be posting. This is the initial unboxing of the kit by Occre I received it last year and unfortunately there had been an accident by the international shippers between Occre and the UK...
  5. team118

    H.M.S. Victory by Caldercraft - Build Log

    Well....after 40 years of work, I retired 2 years ago and have been trying to find things to do. As a teenager, I certainly worked on plastic models, with all their glue stings and poorly fitting parts and horrific paint jobs. I remember getting a small Cutty Sark wooden model, with poor...
  6. BruceIves

    HMS Victory-Mamoli 1:90 Bruce Ives Build log

    I am just back from Iqaluit and have started this kit. I found it at an auction near me. I know that it seems silly to start on this when I am already working on the Graupner Mayflower but I am keen to see how it will go. I have not done the rigging for the Mayflower so I intend to work on that...
  7. H

    Hms victory bow section

    Just getting started
  8. martijnonderwater

    H.M.S. Victory cross section by Corel [COMPLETED BUILD]

    My next project will be finishing a cross section of the H.M.S. Victory, from a kit by Corel. I bought it semi-finished online, and there is not much to do in order to get her finished. Unless I decide to improvise somewhere down the line. Let's see what happens :-)
  9. E

    Hms Victory by D'Agostini

    Just read it's never too late to start a build log, so 6 1/2 years late, tho' not prolific in picture taking, I thought I'd put up a few pictures I have. It's really a poor quality kit, bought because you could get it on subscription. Big mistake, should've waited the year & bought the...
  10. Larry Amato

    HMS Victory - Heller by Larry

    to the hobbists I just purchased the plastic scale mode HMS Victory 1/100.. 80897..and have lots of questions before I start it. But before I begin with my questions let me give you a background of some of my experience. I am 73 years ..a retired lineman from New York Telephone co. I had put...
  11. B

    Caldercraft HMS Victory Build

    And so I start my journey. I have always been interested in wooden model ships, and have always wanted to build one. The attention to detail, the research involved, the meticulousness of getting every detail right and accurate. However, age precludes some of that (at least for me). I...
  12. Ismaele

    HMS Victory 1:78 by Mantua ,Panart - Build log

    Hi everybody, in the end, I decided to open my build log for the Victory model, made by Panart in 1:78 scale. Opened the packaging I was impressed by the general quality of the materials and I continued to evaluate the instructions and drawings. Although there are very negative judgments...
  13. PeterG

    HMS Victory - Caldercraft-Jotika - 1/72. Build log

    The time has come to embark on my NEW build - The HMS Victory using the POF wood kit of Caldercraft (Jotika). As most would know, HMS Victory remains one of the most 'modelled' of all model ships. Like the ship Vasa, it exists today, can be physically touched/seen and examined (albeit currently...
  14. J

    HMS Victory by Occre build log

    Just ordered the new rather expensive HMS Victory from Occre. Look forward to receiving it in a few days time. Hope to post the build of it over the next few months or more realistically a year. Should be interesting comparing it to the Caldercraft Victory I built in 2015. Since then a Titanic...
  15. J

    Hms Victory - Heller 1/100 by tjoenp Finland [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Here is a few photos on the way
  16. U

    HMS Victory - Corel - Cross section

    I guess little late starting a build,log is better than not starting at all. This kit is a challenge as it is mostly inaccurate as a representation of the midsection of the HMS VICTORY. That is part of the fun and challenge to take basically a shell and make something more true to the...
  17. A

    HMS Victory - 1:98 scale. Mantua Model

    My second ever wooden model ship. Hopefully putting into practice, lessons learned from building the Halcon and taking on board the excellent advice from members on this site. HMS Victory is currently in dry dock at my "shipyard", with the false keel clamped in the jig. 18 bulkhead frames and...
  18. Jesus Reina

    Hms Victory, plans by Vicenso Lusci

    I present to you my current project, the famous HMS Victory. It's a project that I've been working on for a few years, since I'm picking it up and leaving it as time goes by. I had a problem with the computer and I have lost the assembly photos so I can only show the current ones. greetings sailors
  19. S

    Mantua HMS Victory 1:98 art.776. Hitting a wall!!!

    Hey guys I decided to build my first model kit. Of course I'm finding out that I'm building one of the hardest models to start... Mantua HMS Victory 1:98 art.776. I do plan on starting a full build log but I need to recover parts that are missing from the kit. I noticed that Parts numbers 21...
  20. Adiefenbach

    My Swing at Caldercraft HMS Victory

    Have been watching TraumaDoc's progress with great interest as he is just a few weeks ahead of me. Also see that Maddog Harry is also embarking on the same voyage. I have been learning a lot from Paul Vicker's videos/log as well. I started my build on 23 November and have gotten the first...