Талантливый человек - талантлив во всём! На мой взгляд, это пример того что могут руки и желание. Изготавливать из 3мм металла я бы наверно не рискнул... Но результат твоей работы говорит сам за себя! Мастерски выполненная работа. Саша, огромное спасибо тебе, дружище, за то что учишь нас работать руками. Браво.
A talented person - talented in everything! In my opinion, this is an example of what hands and desire can do. I probably wouldn't risk making from 3mm metal ... but the result of your accomplishment speaks for itself! Masterfully completed work. Sasha (Aleksandr), thank you so much, buddy, for teaching us to work with the hands and brain. Bravo!![]()
Many Thanks for this statement and much more Thanks for your attitude !Thank you, my dear friend Jim,
I have already mentioned that i have always felt respect for the modelists who share their experience and knowledge, this is a help for the begginer - modelists in the work. And I have made it a rule for myself. I would be very glad if my experience could be of any help and use to someone in his work. I'm always happy to help,
My best regards.
Off course I have another question to you.....It’s ready for the blackening.
As I have made the anchors from steel, I used a weapon paste for blackening in order to restitute blueing
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