1682 HMY FUBBS - 1:24 - Stern Section [COMPLETED BUILD]

Thank you all for the nice comments, unfortunately today will be THE END of this built.

I regret to say that today I have committed a mistake and I really can't live with it.

I will not continue building this model.

When I glued today the stern post and wing transom, something happened and I glued out of center the stern posr. The worst, is that I realized about this mistake when I was finishing the upper counter planks. Something is wrong with me. As I didn't see the issue when I was doing the lower counter planks. At that point I could have unglued the stern post. The wing transom was not yet glued. Incredible distraction.

It was a nice build. Could be one day I will finish it. But until them have been boxed.

Thank you all for the nice comments, unfortunately today will be THE END of this built.

I regret to say that today I have committed a mistake and I really can't live with it.

I will not continue building this model.

When I glued today the stern post and wing transom, something happened and I glued out of center the stern posr. The worst, is that I realized about this mistake when I was finishing the upper counter planks. Something is wrong with me. As I didn't see the issue when I was doing the lower counter planks. At that point I could have unglued the stern post. The wing transom was not yet glued. Incredible distraction.

It was a nice build. Could be one day I will finish it. But until them have been boxed.

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Good morning Daniel. As I was going through your log I was blown away by the quality of your work. I still cannot see your error and I am disappointed that it is not able to be sorted. OH boy you must be gutted. Cheers Grant
I am trying to grasp what has happened Daniel. Can you point out the issue so I don't make the same mistake with my build please ?

I don't know how this happened. The win transom was not glued as well as the stern post. The rabet on the win transom needed to be wider to allow the lower counter planks fit correctly. Milled the rabet on my FT70, went back to the workshop, tested the wing transom rabet with the planks, all looked fine so I proceed to re-install the wing transom and glue the stern post. All was fine and centered. BUT something happened RIGHT IN THAT MOMENT. I have probably moved the built to a side and without realizing moved the stern post out of it alignment. It wasn't clamp. Put a weight over it and left it in that way for 2 hours without seeing that I accidentally moved the stern post. The worst, that bothers me more than nothing, is that later I proceed to add all that stern planking and Didn't realized about the issue until I was adding the last 2 upper counter planks.

There is nothing wrong with the model Bryian. There is something wrong with me.

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Dear Daniel

View attachment 388651
Surely the off-center sternpost can be rectified. PVA is so soluble with hot water and acetone that I am sure you can dissemble most of this without too much damage. No? ...
Even if you have to hack off all the stern planking, re-aligning the stern post ought to be possible.
If you used PVA glue, sitting the stern in water will let you separate the parts.

Thank you for your tips. I know I can try to unglued it all, trashing the planks. But I am soo angry with myself for not seeing the issue when I was adding the planks that has taken all my energy and fun of the build. (Read my answer to Bryian).

Thanks again.

Dear Daniel, you are building a one of ten treasure. It's only wood and glue. YOU CAN FIX THIS! Put it away for a day or two and the disappointment will fade away and you will come up with a plan. I'm sure Mike can send you replacement parts if that is needed.

Thank you Paul for encouraging me.

Mike already offered me to send me the full transom again if it brakes during the ungluing process.

But as you precisely wrote. I need to stay away of the model and think deeply why I did this (see my answer to Bryan).

Thank you again !!
Interesting mistake - but I think, better I am sure, that everything is correct ith you, or better nothing is wrong with you

Looking at your older photos we can see, that you checked the alignment before with a rope along the center

So I am pretty sure, that it happened during fixing with some clamps, still with wet glue - so it moved slightly and you did not recognize this.
The glue hardened, but there was no need to check it, because you checked it before.
This or similar things happened also already to me, and I guess also to others - you can be angry about this, but nothing is wrong with you -> only shit happens
and BTW: Because of such possible problems I am using usually waterbased wood-glue - can be easily reopened only with some drops of water
Guys, after reading this morning all your encouraging words, I decided to leave beside my internal depression and give a try to the unglue process.

After a few hours of soaking all in alcohol and a few sections with Goof Off, for superglue, I was able to get all out.

And I saw the origin of my mistake. We need to cut the win transom to allow the stern post to fit on it. I did that cut precisely. Then took it out to mill a wider rabet. When I returned, placed the win transom and stern post on its place, centered, glued, and for some reason I moved all to the left without realizing. Put a weight over it and gone. Later on the day, I saw that the win transom was protruding more on the left than on the right side. But didn't light a red light on my brain, because I was going to sand all at the end.

Now you can see that the stern post fits in a wider cut on the win transom.. That will be visible after the planking. I will cover it with a thin plank and all will be remembered as a bad dream.



Nice job on the rebuild Daniel, it is good to see you moving forward with the build.

Well, the week has gone. On Tuesday evening, I posted that I was able to unglue the transom planking without affecting any of the structural parts (post #134 above).

On Tueday morning, beside finding all the SOS members encouraging words, I found a txt message with a picture from Mike Shanks, offering to send me any parts that I needed, in case something breaks during the ungluing (see below picture). Thank you Mike !!!


Fortunately, by the end of the day, the only broken parts were the planks.

I decided to do my own planks instead of bothering Mike shipping the ones you see on the image.

I did not have Aspen. But I had Pear wood and Walnut and my Byrnes table saw as well as the Byrnes thickness tool. And the results are below.

BEFORE with Aspen + Walnut


Now, with the sternpost centered

Pear Wood + Walnut


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